The past few weeks have been rough to say the least. I hardly feel like I can enjoy social media anymore because every time I open Facebook or Twitter, all I see is breaking news about somebody killing someone else. I hate it. It makes me feel like there’s no good in the world. I feel myself losing faith in what I once thought was the best thing about humanity: our kindness.
This article isn’t going to mask the tragedies of the world, but it isn’t going to talk about them either. The terrible things happening in our society need to be changed, but sometimes we all need a mental break before we can jump back in and say, “OK, what can I do to help?” This is for the people that just need a reminder of all the good. This is for those who need a break from seeing heartbreak after heartbreak on the news. I’ve come up with a few things that truly bring me complete happiness, and I would like to share them with you. There is still beauty in the world. Don’t forget it. Enjoy.
For the past two weeks, I’ve had Queen’s “Don’t Stop Me Now” stuck in my head. If you haven’t listened to this iconic song, you’re definitely missing out! It’s one of those songs where I’ve put it on repeat and have listened to it more times than I can count. I like how music can really reach to the deepest parts of ourselves. You can listen to the same song a million times and still hear new things every time. Whether you notice the subtle cello in the background or pick up a new beat from the drums, it moves us. The best part about it is that after the song ends, you can take out your headphones and instantly feel like you can conquer the world.
Some people complain, but we are definitely privileged to live in Nebraska. The sunsets are incredible, and after this week, I’ve realized the sunrises are even better. They are absolutely breathtaking. I usually run in the evenings before it gets dark, but I’ve been going to my brother’s baseball games this week which has forced me to change my routine. Getting up and running before the sun is awake is a little bit of a challenge because I am not a morning person at all. However, being able to see those rays of glory peek out as the sun comes up from the earth is something I feel like I’ve been missing out on. I love the quietness of the morning and being able to breathe in the crisp, fresh air. I’m sure after the games of baseball go away, I’ll go back to running in the evenings, but it was a nice reminder that the dawn can be just as beautiful as the dusk, and that sometimes change can be very healthy for us.
Since the 4th of July has passed, I’ve been struggling to keep up my clean eating habits. I try to stay away from junk food and sweets, but something about the summer definitely tests me. On the Fourth, my mom made this incredible strawberry pie and these Reese’s chocolate bars. I’ll be the first to admit that one of the best things in life is food. I can shove it down like nobody’s business. And do you want to know what I’ve realized in the last couple days? It’s OK to treat yourself. There will be days when you might just eat half the pan of the Reese’s chocolate bars by yourself. (Shhhh, don’t tell anyone!) And it’s 100 percent OK. I will continue with my clean eating habits, but I’ll also allow myself to enjoy the delicious sugary treats that make my heart do cartwheels. It’s what makes life so sweet! (Pun definitely intended.)
Being home for the summer means that I get to see my dog every day. And what better way to start your morning with sloppy dog kisses? I am thoroughly convinced that animals are one of the best things that God has blessed us with. What have we done to deserve such kind and loving creatures? They listen to our secrets and look at us with loving eyes when when need some encouragement. I’m going to miss my dog when I go back to Lincoln, but for now, I’m going to cherish her barking, her wagging tail and her excitement to go on walks!
I have been so excited that all of my favorite childhood animated movies are now being turned into films with real people. This week I saw "The Legend of Tarzan," and it was amazing. Just like music, I think movies can take us to different places as well. After I always see a really great movie, I just want to jump inside of the screen and actually live it. The theatrics of the film captured the adventurous part of me, and all I wanted to do afterward was climb trees and make friends with giant animals. (Maybe even meet a jungle man with nice abs?) Whatever movies make your heart race, be sure to watch them this week. Give yourself some time to relax and enjoy the thrill of cinema.
The last thing I urge you to appreciate and notice about our world is God. He’s in everything. Sometimes it might be tough to see it, but he’s always there. Whether you’re hurt, angry, sad, or happy, God is using you. You're so important! Trying to figure out the plan for your life is difficult, but he’ll be there all the way. He’s the one constant. Trust in Him. Let go and know that everything will work out. God’s done so many amazing things in your life already, and he’s not done yet. And don’t forget to thank him, because he didn’t forget to wake you up today.