We live in a world where being single doesn’t necessarily get you a pat on the back. Society makes it seem like being single is a bad thing. With the creation of multiple dating sites and apps, it urges you to look for a companion in unnatural ways. Family dinners and social gatherings are all about discussing relationships so that when someone hears you are single it sets off an alarm. No one knows how to react or what to say.
If you’re single you’re looked down on and more often asked, why are you are still single and what it is you are doing wrong? I’m going to let you in on a secret.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with being single and you are doing nothing wrong.
I support relationships but I have come to known the single life and I’ve had the chance to understand and learn a lot from being single. I think being single and being in a relationship can offer two very different lessons but what I want to express is that despite popular belief it is okay to be single.
I choose to look at being single this way.
You may not be in a relationship with someone but you are in fact in one with yourself. Being single gives you time to focus on what you want and need without distractions. It’s an excuse to be selfish. Being single is powerful influential. You don’t have to depend on anyone but yourself. You don’t have to divide your time up because you are in control. You have freedom like no other that you are entitled to enjoy by your own means.
Whether you’ve been single for a while or have just gotten out of a bad relationship take this time to figure out who you are. You don’t have someone by your side? It doesn’t matter. Now is the time to take a look around and meet new people reconnect with old ones and make new friendships. Being single gives you the opportunity to figure out who you want to surround yourself with. You get to decide who you want to be around and that’s a wonderful thing to be able to do.
You also get a chance to reflect on your happiness. If you’re not happy with the choices you’ve recently made, then do something to change them because no one is stopping you and no one is holding you back. You are your own person. You have the reins over what happens in your life. No one can decide what makes you happy only you can. Take this time to reconnect with yourself. Find who you are or who you want to be and make it happen. Write a list of goals and accomplish them.
Now is the time to be the best you can be. Risk everything, go on adventures, and most importantly be independent. When you take the time to make yourself a better person, others will see it. Being single isn’t bad, it’s influential and just as powerful as being in a relationship.
Don’t let society's connotation of being single make you think otherwise. Being single is wonderful and needs to be taken advantage of more often. It’s your time.