At times it may be tough to comprehend. It’s definitely easier heard than applied in life, but there really isn’t a more beautiful you. Take this as your true identity and embrace it. We were each created to fulfill a specific purpose that only we can do in this life. It is simply a blessing from God. You can sit and stare for long periods of time, pointing out every flaw you see, but the mirror does not define you. Know this, in God's eyes you are flawless; you are fearfully and wonderfully made in His name.
The passage in Psalm 139:13-16 clearly says, “we are fearfully and wonderfully made, and all the days of our lives were written in God’s book before we were ever born, confirming God’s prior knowledge and plan for our lives.”
I can personally say I have struggled with not being 100 percent at peace with myself and the person I see in the mirror every day. From how my hair may look to specific birthmarks or spots I see on my face, I continually judge my body— it’s pretty selfish if you ask me. It is mentally draining and sickening. Stand firm in who you are in Gods eyes. The enemy wants you to inspect and point out everything “wrong” with your body. Don’t allow him to pull up a chair at the table that is set for only two: you and God. There’s no room or time for negativity, and that is all the enemy wants to bring to the table.
It is so easy to compare yourself to others. The funny thing is, no one is that perfect. I don’t care how legit their Instagram looks. Everyone struggles and has diverse self-esteem issues that they combat with. Let’s be real, no one is going to remember that you could contour your face to define your cheekbones or, for guys, that you could lift the most weight and have the biggest arms.
True beauty is literally within your heart. Looks only go so far and they will surely fade. So instead of trying to conform to the ways of this world, find your identity in the one who created you. Think of it this way, if the words you thought and spoke appeared on your skin, would people think you were still pretty? Be who you are and change the way you perceive this world. Look beyond the sun, instead of what’s under it. This world will soon pass, so focus on the one thing that truly matters: eternal life.
Find peace in who you are. In God's eyes, you are more than enough. Leave your house without makeup on and let the whole world stare at you. Your freckles and scars reveal a simplistic beauty that can only be seen when barefaced. The next time you wash your face, dry it off, look in the mirror and thank God for who you are and the face you see right in front of you. Focus on what truly matters. Know who you are; you are enough. For crying out loud, you are beautiful.
“So God created human beings, making them to be like himself.” - Genesis 1:27