There's a story that goes like this...
"Once there were two farmers who desperately needed rain. So, both of them prayed. However, only one of them prepared his fields for the rain.
Which one do you think trusted God to send the rain?
The one who prepared his fields for it.
A lot of the time we are the farmer who prays for the rain to come but then doesn't do anything to prepare for it. As humans we have this sort of I'll believe it when I see it character about us. But God has called us to the opposite of that, when we pray.
"Therefore, I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it and it will be yours." Mark 11:24
When we pray we don't usually see the outcome, but that's where believing takes place, and that means we are called to have faith for many reasons.
Faith is believing without seeing.
Faith is stepping out of the boat onto water.
Faith is fighting a giant with just a slingshot and a rock.
Faith was being sent into a fiery furnace.
God never said it would be easy. In fact, the stories of faith in the bible were all very difficult. Lastly, faith is praying then preparing your fields for the outcome.
There is power in prayer, but what are you doing to prepare your fields for the rain? God will send the rain when He is ready.