Is it possible to be too nice? What exactly does it mean to be a nice person? To me, being nice means treating people with kindness, being compassionate and caring of others emotions and well being. Ever since I was a little kid, I was taught to treat people the way I want to be treated. I also was taught that I should always be kind, regardless of who is watching. As a young adult, this means so much more to me. I see so many people be bystanders and watch as another person struggles to open a door or drops their books. I don't understand why people in our society refuse to hold doors for people or cut them in lines. We live in a society where many people simply don't care if they are rude, and it seems that these people think they are entitled or something.
Throughout my life I have been told many times that I am "too nice". This really confuses me because how is it even possible to be too nice? Society often labels nice people as being weak. This really angers me because you can be a nice person, and still hold your own. Just because someone is nice, does not mean that you can walk all over them or take advantage of them. I have come to realized that it is a hell of a lot harder to be nice to people than it is to be mean or rude. You have to force yourself to keep your cool even when you feel like you've reached a breaking point.
I've been through a lot in my life and I believe that my kind and caring demeanor has helped me and has truly benefitted me. I assume like many other genuinely nice people, that I am not the only girl who has been treated badly by teammates and people that I thought were my friends. No matter how nice I was to these people, they continued to make me feel bad about myself and put me down. This really confused me because how could people I thought I could trust be so mean to me? I could have retaliated and been rude back, and I could have snapped at them, caused drama, and gone on a rant. But it wasn't worth it because thats isn't who I am. You bet I stood up for myself in these situations, but rumors, subtweets, and name calling weren't part of it.
I believe that being a nice person has gotten me a lot further in life than if I was a mean person. It is humbling to know that I am able to put others feelings before my own. I am cognizant of emotions and I think this is one of the most important qualities a person can have, because after all you never know what another person is going through. "Treat others the way you want to be treated' is too redundant because so many people seem to have forgotten this simple lesson. Smile at people who walk by you and hold doors for others. The little acts of kindness you do can lead to so much more and believe me when I say this, once you feel like you are a kind person, life gets a hell of a lot better.