Being a college student comes with little sleep, lots of stress, and many tests. College is a balancing act! We try to balance school, study time, a social life, work, extra curricular organizations, all while remembering to regularly eat, sleep, and bathe! Here is a list of good habits to start at the beginning of the semester to ensure that you have the most stress free and enjoyable college experience possible.
1. Have a schedule.
Set a schedule for yourself and stick to it! Reserve time every day for homework, studying, and personal time. Try not to sleep the day away if possible, instead, get up early and be productive. This will minimize stress later in the day and leave time for homework and free time.
2. Read with purpose.
In college, it is essential to read the textbook to receive important information. The best way to do this is to read a little each night to ensure that you will not fall behind. While reading, put all distractions away, read with purpose, highlight important terms, and make your own study guides. Try to avoid reading 6 chapters at a time! You will get bored and will not retain as much. Instead, read a little at a time and do not let yourself fall behind!
3. Stay in check with your emotions.
It is very difficult to do well in a course if you feel that you are doomed to fail. The feeling of being inadequate and bummed out about classes will come! Combat this by focusing your energy into your studies. Reward yourself from time to time, and remember that you are your worst critic. Finding a balance of being self disciplined while not being too hard on yourself is key for success in college.
4. Avoid procrastination and cramming.
The best way to be happy and healthy is managing stress in college. One of the most stressful things is procrastinating and then pulling an all nighter the night before a test. This is a way that is guaranteed to leave you stressed out and anxious. Instead, study a little each day so that when test time comes around, an all nighter is not needed. You will be happier, less stressed, and well rested for your test!
5. Save money when possible.
Financial difficulty will add stress to any college experience. To avoid this, try to save money as much as possible. However, you should never cut corners on essentials such as textbooks and school supplies! Instead, avoid buying high priced spirit items from the bookstore on campus, or a fancy coffee every morning. Making savvy spending decisions will benefit you in the long run.
6. Take necessary study breaks.
All work and no play is not healthy for your mind or body. Take a break from technology and enjoy a walk in the park or a nice relaxing drive. Leaving campus, even if it is for a short while, will open your mind to new perspectives and possibilities. You should set up a schedule in which you study for about 50 minutes then take a 10 minute break, then repeat. This will leave you refreshed and stress free.
7. Study with a group or partner.
Studying with a group often holds you accountable for studying. However, you must make sure that the group actually studies and does not spend time procrastinating or goofing off. Study with smart studious friends who are there to lend you a helping hand or words of encouragement when needed.
8. Use on campus resources.
Take advantage of on campus resources such as tutoring centers, supplemental instruction sessions, health clinics, computer labs, and study cubicles in the library. College campuses pride themselves on their many resources available to students! These resources are there to ensure your success in college. Utilize all of these resources to the best of your ability!
9. Find your "happy place".
Find something that you are passionate about and stick with it! Whether your happy place be at a yoga class, at home watching a movie, or in a Greek organization, find something to focus your energy on and something to pride yourself on. This will offer you a much needed distraction from the stress of college, as well as, make you a happier person!
These are just a few tips to reduce stress and ensure that you will enjoy your college experience. College is all about balance and finding yourself! Don't be afraid to put yourself out there, have fun, and remain studious!