"You picked that major because it is one of the easiest on campus."
I hear this phrase often when I tell someone that I am a Sport and Exercise Science Major and I get easily annoyed. Yes, I do understand that compared to a Pre-Med major that my major is pretty simple but I believe that there is NO SUCH THING as an "easy major." There are many different things that can affect the difficulty of a major. This includes every possible major including English, Education, History, Theatre, art, and Journaling (to name a few.) There are specific things that happen in each major that many people overlook when thinking about the "difficulty" levels of a major. For example, in the Sport and Exercise Science department, if an individual is choosing to become a coach, physical therapist, occupational therapist, or athletic trainer, they must learn every muscle in the body and the movements that they can create. You learn effective ways to deal with all members of society. You learn how to analyze what kind of treatment you may prescribe to an individual in your care and SO MUCH MORE! And while I can sit here and defend every single major and explain how difficult they can be, I would rather not be writing this for weeks. I would just like to point out that every individual at the university had to pass the SAME REQUIREMENTS as everyone else on campus. Everyone had to take the same entrance exams before they were even allowed to choose a major. Everyone that is at this campus has proved in some form or another that they deserve to be here. They chose a major that they were passionate about and have found a way to help that passion grow. There are many different jobs in this world and if everyone on campus had to take the same courses, then we would all have a TON of useless information stuck in our brains. You want your professor to love what they are talking about. You want your physical therapist to know what they are talking about and to be fascinated by the way the body works. You want your coaches to be motivated enough to teach sports with a passion. In some way, you will need someone in a different profession to help you out. If they didn't study for that job, how comfortable would you feel letting them poke you with a needle? So no, there is no such thing as an easy major.