There is Good in this Unfamiliar Time | The Odyssey Online
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There is Good in this Unfamiliar Time

There is a light at the end of the tunnel, it is just hard to see...

There is Good in this Unfamiliar Time

COVID-19 has brought a lot of unfamiliar feelings, sorrows and let downs. We were not prepared for this, but honestly how could we have been? Many "last times" were stripped from people and those moments will never be the same, but dwelling on the situation won't fix it. The media is being filled with the negative truth and if you let it consume you it will reflect in your mood, attitude and work ethic. Don't let it consume you. Take a step back and look at the good in your life.

There are many things to be thankful for:

1. Your health

There are people who are in the hospital, people who are fighting the virus, have asthma, have heart problems, have diabetes and some don't know if they will live through the night.

2. You are still alive

The circumstances aren't ideal, but you are alive, with a roof over your head, food in your home, surrounded by your family or friends.

3. You still have a job

You might dread working from home or never even thought you would ever have to work remote, but at least you are still employed receiving income. Many are worried about money and have had to file for unemployment.

You might feel that you have lost yourself in this time of quarantine and your motivation is gone, but remember self love is the key. You have to do what is right for you, take that walk, binge watch a show, pour yourself a glass of wine.... do what it takes to find your joy again. Even though the "quarantine fifteen" was not in the schedule, you deserve a cheat day. Take that time to reflect and find a plan that is good for you to balance your work life and relaxation during this crazy time. Many are saying that if you don't stay on your grind during quarantine that it is your fault, but everyone lives a different life, with different circumstances. Take it one day at a time and remember that you are stronger than you think!

Everyday is a new day, a new beginning. You might have laid in bed all day and ate half your pantry, but that was yesterday. Today, you are determined and on a mission to workout and eat right. It is all about your mindset. This is an unfamiliar time for everyone, (don't let them tell you otherwise) we just have our own ways of coping and handling it.

Use this time to do the things you have been meaning to do. Cleaning the house, watching that movie, catching up on a show, meal prepping, learning how to paint, this is the time check off all those tasks you have been meaning to do for who knows how long. Whether you are with your loved ones, friends or family members, during this lock down this is a chance to love on them like no other. For all the parents who wished to have all their kids under the same roof again, it's your time to shine! There are some ups to this situation, you just have to look.

"You're mental hygiene is as important as your hand hygiene" - Rakhi Beekrum

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