Last week I wrote about letting go and why it is okay to let go of certain relationships. As a follow-up to that article, I want to talk about a few of the things that may happen in your life as a result of letting go. Letting go creates room for major change in your life; change that is for the betterment of you and your health.
1. You have finally made yourself a priority
Some find it hard to let some people go because they do not want to hurt the other party(ies). However, not only is it 100 percent okay to put yourself first sometimes, but you NEED to put yourself first every now and then (if not everyday). You need to be a priority in your life so you can strive to be who you want to be.
2. You have learned and grown as a person
You learn a lot about yourself and things in general during the process of letting go. When you get burned by a stove once you learn to not touch a hot surface again. Well, this same lesson can be applied in life and to relationships. You grow as a person because you respect yourself more and you realize now more than ever that you deserve respect from others.
3. You have become a stronger person
Letting go is a sign of strength in itself. In the words of Kelly Clarkson "What doesn't kill makes you stronger."
4. You have open yourself up to new experiences
You cannot start to focus on today and tomorrow when you are still focusing on yesterday. You may never know what is waiting for you around the corner if you never look. You will find new friends and loved ones. Some relationships can hold you back, so sometimes a goodbye is all we need to succeed in the things we love.
5. You have a new found happiness
Nothing is better than happiness except for true happiness. When we are stuck in a bad relationship we may find ourselves pretending to be happy or fooling ourselves into thinking that we are happy. So once you finally say goodbye you find that you may not have been truly happy, but you can do what makes you happy.
6. You have room to breathe
No more stepping on eggshells. You do not have to do/be what the other party(ies) expects from you. You can be you and not be afraid. You. Can. Breathe.
7. You become grateful for the ones in your life who respect and love you for you
When you have something true and good you may not fully realize it at first. During our times of anguish and vulnerability we depend on those who truly love us and have our backs. It is those times when our appreciation grows.
Saying goodbye is a hard and painful experience. However, it can be a life changing experience. An experience filled with life lessons that grow us as people. You may not realize it in the beginning, but as time goes on you will see that there truly is good in goodbye.