Nature Photography, to me, is a form of therapy. The journey, from idea to final print; is rewarding, challenging, and ultimately, one of the most satisfying experiences that I have ever had. It goes beyond point and shoot. There are two decisions that come with every trip; where to go, and whether or not to bring the camera. The first decision is, almost always, much harder because once you spend the money on a camera, you tend to take it everywhere.
This summer, I had the opportunity to hike and canoe my way through some of New York's Adirondack Mountains. I am, by no means, a professional photographer. In fact, the only time I received any sort of payment was when my mom bought me a new backpack for college in exchange for taking my sister's senior pictures. It was a fair exchange really. She didn't have to pay a professional hundreds of dollars for less photos, and I didn't have to spend money on a new backpack; but I digress. On this trip, I found myself with my camera and my friends, deep in the Adirondacks near Raquette Lake, NY for several days. I brought my camera along, knowing that there would be beautiful scenery to take in. I hoped that I would be able to capture some of them, in the form of photographs, both to remember the trip, and to show my friends and family who weren't there.
The following photographs are my favorite shots from this trip. I hope viewing them brings the same feelings of serenity and peace to you, as taking them did to me.