There's a handful of you currently walking around somewhere on this universe that has once in the past been an absolutely huge part of my life whether it was for a couple months or a couple years. When I was with you, I felt at my highest which was probably the lowest thing I could've ever felt. I let you define myself by the way you touched my hand and not by the way you touched me. I'm not here to say that I was always right and that I was a victim because you found ways to make me happy when there were days I never felt it to be possible Even if it was temporary and things never ended up the way I or we wanted them to at the time, you helped me learn more about myself. I got to experience things with you that I probably never experienced with another person. You helped me learn what I wanted out of a relationship. You made me realize that I would rather wait for a love that I can bring to Thanksgiving Dinner and eat off their plate as they roll their eyes in my direction while my family looks at us smiling knowing that I've finally found my person. That hasn't happened yet but I know in my heart it will with the right person.
So no, I'm not worth being something that you ponder on, I deserve a love that walks into my life and would fight anything just to cherish it. I don't deserve love that runs away out of fear of commitment. I don't deserve love that holds onto another. I don't deserve love that keeps me there because it knows I will provide for them without any expectations of it being returned. I don't deserve love that would walk a block if I walked a mile for them.
At the end of the day, you were not the one I was supposed to be with. As I continue to go on dates and meet new people, I still don't know who I'm supposed to be with. But every experience I've had with you and with the others before and/or after has guided me towards what I truly want and has helped me narrow these experiences to where I progress as a person and as a potential girlfriend.
I hope if you haven't already, that you find someone who makes you feel the way that I hope I do one day. I hope they bring you unconditional love and their arms around you make you feel both comfort and protection. I hope that their heart is pure and that their soul is filled with both spirit and wisdom.