" Baby Girl"
Most people love being called that by their partner! "Baby Girl" it means that they think about you, and they care about you! It's because they care for your safety! It's all in the way they say it. With their soothing wonderful voice, and the way it makes you feel when they say it. You would smiling so hard, and you know it is meaningful, and caring, because its coming from them.
You love them non stop, and they know it. They look out for you and they watch everything you do because they care about you, and they don't want their "Baby Girl" getting hurt. No one would want their "Baby Girl" getting hurt. Ever. If their "Baby Girl" would get hurt, they probably wouldn't know what to do. You are their rock, you are their soul.
When they say "Baby Girl" that means you are theirs. They are protecting you, and always looking out.
I had a chance to be in that position, getting called "Baby Girl." It was absolutely wonderful! It made me feel so special inside, and out. It made me help with my comfort level, and it made me the happiest when they would text me.
"You're my Baby Girl"
I couldn't be more happier to get texts like that from someone who I care about and who I want in my life,
"Baby Girl"