Theatre kids are a different kind of breed. Some find us annoying, others find us entertaining, but many will never understand the importance of being a "theatre kid." Here are 35 things that all theatre kids can relate to.
1. Listening to every show tune on repeat until you knew every word and get tired of it.
And then still singing along when it plays, or someone mentions any of the lyrics as words in a normal conversation.
2. Not being able to attend basically anything else during a show season because of rehearsal.
3. Starting a show with strangers, and becoming bffs by closing night.
4. Bringing bobby pins, makeup wipes, mic tape, or deodorant to the dressing room and never seeing them again.
5. The agony of tech week.
We are pros at not getting any sleep and watching our health levels crash. Go us!
6. Forgetting your lines and having to improvise as quickly as possible.
7. Knowing that you will always fit in with fellow theatre kids.
There might be some drama, but theatre kids always have your back.
8. The priceless reactions from people who watch us play weird theatre games.
9. The joy of cast parties.
10. Forgetting to put on mic tape before makeup, so your tape won't stay on.
11. Going somewhere after a show and forgetting that you still have a crazy amount of stage makeup on.
"Why is the waiter looking at me like that?"
12. Waiting ever so patiently for the cast list to be posted.
13. When everybody is talking about sports and you are just there like:
"Yes, LeBron James is a really good quarterback. He must rehearse a lot."
14. Getting called by your character name instead of your actual name.
15. The stress of auditions.
16. JAZZ HANDS! Just kidding. We don't actually do that...most of the time.
Just keep in mind that we are always ready for jazz hands.
17. Getting to play games like "zip zap zop" in theatre class while everybody else is suffering in their boring classes.
18.Being an actor and feeling like tech doesn't appreciate or like you.
19. Being in tech and feeling like actors don't appreciate or like you.
20. Dance numbers. Enough said.
Yes, we are exactly how everybody describes us theatre kids. We love to bust a move.
21. Seeing that kid who would thrive in theatre, but they just have not been introduced to it yet.
Introduce them to theatre. They will thank you later.
22. When somebody who does not know anything about your favorite production gets to go see it live.
It is just so hard to find true friends nowadays.
23. That feeling when a show's over forever, and you are not sure how to move on with your life.
24. Reading scripts in other classes and having the teacher call on you to read the main role, because they know you're in theatre.
Then there is always that one kid who you want to give major acting advice to, but then remember that this isn't a rehearsal and it's just for a class.
25. When your friends stop letting you have the aux chord because they know you are just going to play show tunes.
26. Getting judged hardcore when telling somebody that you are going to pursue theatre in the real world.
Prove them wrong!
27. Dancing backstage at any point of the show.
Upbeat music? Slow music? It doesn't matter.
28. The amazing feeling of meeting the audience after the show.
29. Memorizing lines the night before you're supposed to be off book.
Why do we do this to ourselves every time?
30. Cringing when others say, "what time is play practice?" Or the pain of hearing them call the dressing room a locker room.
They are called costumes, not uniforms.
31. The endless drama during tech week.
If there isn't a room or hall backstage where everybody gossips or panics, is it even theatre?
32. When a friend or family member tells you "good luck" instead of "break a leg."
If anything goes wrong during the show, we know who to blame.
33. Losing your voice and/or getting sick during tech week.
34.The nervous feeling when a director makes a stupid joke during your audition.
Yet another reason to cry after an audition.
35. Forgetting your love for theatre once in a while, hearing a song or watching a show, and falling in love with it all over again.
There is nothing more beautiful than having a passion for something that makes you happy no matter how much it tests you.