The Zodiac Signs As Marvel Heroes
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The Zodiac Signs As Marvel Heroes

Get your capes ready-- it's time to assemble.

The Zodiac Signs As Marvel Heroes
Inspired Images: Pixabay

As a lover of horoscopes and Marvel superheroes, I decided it was time to put my knowledge and interests to the test to create a master list of every astrological sign as a Marvel superhero. Put on your capes and see who your horoscope matches you up with!

Aquarius—Daredevil (Matt Murdock)

Aquariuses are very independent individuals who go out of their way to help others. Matt Murdock has always preferred to be alone to reflect on things and yet he became a lawyer so as to assist others and try to make the world a less harmful place. You both have progressive ways of thinking and are easily able to solve problems, all while adapting to the world around you.

Pisces—Mr. Fantastic (Reed Richards)

Everyone knows that Pisces are very wise people with selfless qualities, and Mr. Fantastic fits that mold perfectly. Stan Lee has admitted that within all of the Marvel universe, Mr. Fantastic is by far the most intelligent hero there is! Although you are an intellectual, you have your weaknesses just like anyone else. Reed Richards had issues with being overly trusting towards many of his acquaintances and friends. So, be choosy with the people you give information to, you don’t want to be in a Victor Von Doom situation. Trust me.

Aries—Deadpool (Wade Wilson)

With incredible amounts of enthusiasm and equal amounts of honesty, you and Deadpool are one in the same, my friend. Wade Wilson is known for his humor and impulsive persona which make him the perfect choice to represent the Aries sign. Often times Wade will act without thinking and have to deal with the consequences. This is something he doesn’t always learn from, but it definitely keeps life interesting and makes for some great fourth wall breaks.

Taurus—Professor X (Charles Xavier)

A Taurus is someone you can rely upon and has a devoted sense of self. That being said, who is more reliable and devoted than Charles Xavier, founder of the X-Men? Charles has always been a practical man, believing that human beings and mutants can live together in harmony. Despite his reliability, the Professor has always had issues with being stubborn about his beliefs. All those times Magneto has wronged him and you would think he could just admit that he’s beyond all hope, right? Nope—he’s just going to keep giving him more chances because he really really wants to believe that Magneto isn’t all that bad…riiiiiiiight.

Gemini—Star Lord (Peter Quill)

Did someone say quick witted and curious? That’s right Geminis, you and Star Lord have a beautiful friendship ahead of you. You both have expressive and ambitious personalities but sometimes you get a little nervous and show some inconsistency in your work. Not to worry, your inherent childlike curiosity and humor will shine right through any problem you’ll have to face.

Cancer—Scarlet Witch (Wanda Maximoff)

Just like Wanda, you are an emotional person who has great control over their mind. Although you pride yourself on your sympathetic personality, sometimes you can be a bit moody and have to take some time alone for yourself. The best part about both you and Wanda is how loyal you both are. Wanda loves nothing more than her brother Pietro and her man Vision (spoiler alert if you haven’t read the comics). She’s loyal af and fierce just like you, so go alter some realities!

Leo—Iron Man (Tony Stark)

As a Leo, you have a creative streak that aids you in your daily activities just like Tony’s! You both have a great sense of humor that can diffuse many stressful situations (maybe even make them worse) but you also love being admired for your intelligence. Sometimes you can be inflexible with your own ideas, just like Mr. Stark, but that can aid you with many a difficult situation.

Virgo—Black Panther (King T’Challa)

T’Challa is a loyal man with his heart in the right place and he’s just like you, Virgo. With a practical sense of self, you both trust your intuition and enjoy order in life. Although you are a hard worker, sometimes you overwork yourself without enjoying the small things in life. Continue being kind and fair but don’t forget to take time for yourself. Wakanda forevaaaaa.

Libra—Havok (Alex Summers)

Alright my fellow Libras, we all enjoy being social but we also have a tendency to be indecisive. These traits define Alex Summers, as well. He’s a powerful man who has trouble making up his mind but enjoys keeping the peace. At a certain time in his life, Alex left the X-Men to live a normal life instead of fighting crime. Although he keeps under the radar for a bit, he still has explosive power that he uses if need be (literally.) If that doesn’t scream Libra, I don’t know what does.

Scorpio—Wolverine (James/Logan Howlett)

Wolverine is the absolute definition of a Scorpio. Logan is known for his bravery but also his stubbornness, and these two traits are key to both of your personalities. Logan enjoys his time away from others but has a good heart that he will use when his close friends need him. He may have had his difficulties in the past, but his passion aids him in all of his endeavors. One of his biggest weaknesses is his violent streak when he becomes upset, so maybe try to keep your claws to yourself, Scorpio.

Sagittarius—Spider-Man (Peter Parker)

Sagittarius, you have a great sense of humor and a generous heart just like the boy wonder, Spiderman. All you want is the freedom to roam around and spread your generosity to those around you. Unfortunately, because of your excitement and curiosity, you sometimes offer more of yourself than you are able to give. This is something that Peter has constantly struggled with. No matter how much your spidey senses are tingling, remember not to spread yourself too thin so that you can offer all of yourself to one task at a time and put all of your heart into it.

Capricorn—Doctor Strange (Stephen Strange)

Responsible and authoritative, Capricorns have a natural born intuition that helps them learn quickly and fully. Doctor Stephen Strange is known for his discipline but also his occasionally condescending tone. It turns out that this arrogance aids him in the end and helps him to become one of the best masters of the mystic arts that the Marvel universe has ever seen. Underneath of the tough persona, you and Stephen have great amounts of generosity that you are willing to share with the world—but don’t forget your sling ring! (Also, I wish I was a Capricorn since Dr. Strange is one of my favorite heroes—lucky you!)

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