The Zodiac Signs As Foods
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The Zodiac Signs As Foods

Remember this list the next time you eat your favorite food.

The Zodiac Signs As Foods

The Zodiac signs can be portrayed as songs, aesthetics and even pets. But this list is about the star signs as types of foods. Whether it's desserts or savory snacks, you will find these descriptions accurate as you read each one or even find one that is your current favorite food!

1. Aquarius: January 20th-February 18th

To start off with, Aquarius is an adventurous and odd sign. Dim Sum is an accurate portrayal of those that were born with this sign because of the various flavors and different dishes.

2. Pisces: February 19th-March 20

Despite Pisces being the sign represented as a fish, that is not why sushi was chosen as the sign's food. Sushi is an acquired taste, you either love it or like it, just like those who belong to the sign. It can be simple as rice and seaweed, or intricate with many ingredients, just like Pisces.

3. Aries: March 21-April 19

Aries are like Sriracha: this hot and fiery chili sauce that many people like to put on almost everything, explains the sign in a nutshell. Aries are ambitious and can be feisty at times, just like this addicting and popular sauce.

4. Taurus: April 20-May 20

The Taurus sign is like a caramel apple, a delicious treat especially around autumn. The sweet and caramel outside that sticks to your mouth in the most satisfying way possible, but the best part is the tangy apple underneath, similar to the three-dimensional personality of a Taurus.

5. Gemini: May 21-June 20

Geminis are like black and white cookies, all of the people who belong to this sign often have two differing sides or personalities to them, like this dessert. It's simply made, yet addicting and a popular cookie.

6. Cancer: June 21-July 22

The sensitive yet caring Cancers are like a warm bowl of chicken noodle soup. This comforting meal that a mom makes whenever on sick or rainy days,represents this kind and nurturing sign.

7. Leo: July 23-August 22

Leos are like steaming, fresh out of the oven, slices of pizza. This sign can be hot-tempered at times, but Leos are always there in times of comfort, and are often reliable like pizza at the end of long days.

8.Virgo: August 23-September 22

Virgos are like salads. Salads are healthy, but the best part is that when creating one, you can add as many toppings and dressings as you would like, and how each person likes their salad is different. Virgos can cater to anyone's needs and are special in that way.

9. Libra: September 23-October 22

Delicious fried chicken is a staple for dinner in many households, and you can never go wrong with crispy and savory tender chicken. Libras are similar in the sense that their homey and sociable people and are perfect for almost every situation.

10. Scorpio: October 23-November 21

Hamburgers as well, you can never go wrong with. Add bacon, cheese, tomatoes, and lettuce, or just keep it simple with meat in between two buns. Scorpios can be intense, but are often familiar and easy people to be around, just like ordering a cheeseburger and fries at your restaurant, it's easy and predictable.

11. Sagittarius: November 22-December 21

The Sagittarius sign is like good old sprinkled donuts, a light and airy dessert topped with frosting and tiny sugary goodness. Everyone loves them, and it's easy to find yourself finishing an entire box not even five minutes later. Like the great star sign, they're awesome and lovable.

12. Capricorn: December 22-January 19

For those born in the coldest of months, Capricorns are like ice cream. Easy to enjoy during anytime of the year, especially appreciated in the hottest days of the Summer, a nice scoop of cool ice cream can get anyone through the most blazing of days.

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