Growing up, you were always the little kid who followed me around, stole my toys and told on me for every little thing that I did. For years, you always seemed to be just the little snotty kid (literally) that would never grow up. I never imagined that one day you would become one of the biggest role models that I would ever have.
You used to follow me around, but as the years went by, I became the one who began to follow you. I followed you to every game, meeting and practice that I could. Now as you are graduating, I want to continue to follow you into the next chapter of your life. I want to continue to follow you and watch you grow even more as you accomplish new obstacles in life.
It is true when people say that your siblings will grow to be your best friends. Being your big sister, I got to see you grow and become the person you are today. This year you will graduate and begin to follow your dreams. I could not be more proud of you.
I have had the pleasure to see you grow through heartache, loss and triumphs. With every obstacle you had to face, you overcame them with an amazing amount of dignity and strength, something I have always admired in you. You probably never realized that over the years, while you were looking up to me, I was looking up to you.
As we grew up, I watched you find yourself and it was a beautiful thing. Sure we fought growing up, but what siblings don’t? I always knew that when I was hurt I could turn to you. Even though you are younger, you always seemed wise beyond your years with your words of advice.
I know you always thought I had my s*** together, but truth is, at times I was at a complete loss. You will, too, find yourself at a complete loss entering into a new stage of your life and that is OK. Luckily for you, you know someone who has been there.
Graduating can be a scary thing. You are about to embark on a journey that you have never been on, but don’t let that scare you. I know you will do amazing things.
As your graduation day quickly approaches there are few things I want you to always remember:
1. You will always have a friend in me.
2. It’s OK if you are scared of the future.
3. Never stop chasing your dreams.
4. I will always be just a phone call away.
5. I am so incredibly proud of you.
I hope you always remember the advice I have given you. I hope you always remember that no matter what, I am so proud to be your sister. You will do great big things after graduation. Have faith in yourself and know that you are capable of anything.
Your big sister