I'm sure you're feeling almost every emotion possible as you are about to embark on this new journey. Happiness, excitement, slightly anxious, nervous, etc. etc. You've probably asked yourself a million and one times, am I really ready to embark on this new path? Or you may be wondering what this new path has in store for you, will it be everything that I had hoped for? Either way you should be congratulating yourself for making it this far in your life, because you didn't have to. You didn't have to apply to this college you're about to attend, you didn't have to say yes to this job that you applied and interviewed for. Heck you could have just stayed put in the place that you were always used to, but you didn't and that is something to be proud of.
You're about to reveal a new part of yourself that you once had no idea existed. Whether you're about to start a new job, start a new year at school, or start in a brand new geographical location you are about to become a new version of yourself. I mean think about it, would you have saw yourself here two, three, or even five or six years ago?
You may have wondered where time would take you back then and who you might be in those moments. You may have never imaged that you would have reached such great lengths such as being able to say things like "I can do this" or "I know this is the best for me"
You may have had to watch some doors close or you may have had to close some of those doors all on your own. But those doors that closed lead you to open this one. And that is not to say that there are not some doors that you may come across that need to be closed or are waiting to be opened, but as you are growing into the beautiful young adult that you are meant to be. You will be learning more and more about yourself based on each of these milestones. That you may inspire those around you whether you are aware of it or not.
I know life can seem scary at times, but this new journey is just another step into making you into the young adult you are meant to be.
Remember to always be brave, be a little wild, and be kind to yourself as you begin this new journey. Remember that it's okay to be not okay, and most importantly remember that at the end of the day your health and happiness is what matters. Even if things don't go your way as time goes on with this new journey of yours remember that time will tell and teach you more about what life has to offer you.
So go forth and take this new step in your life by storm, it's been waiting to see you.