College is stressful, exciting and everything in between- all in one day. The one man who gets this all is Jim Carrey. Despite not attending college himself, Carrey still understands the ins and outs of the daily struggles of a college student throughout the school year.
1. Move in day.
It is a rare day where there are zero obligations from school to get in your way so everyone spends the day asking you about what you did over the summer and when you can get together to catch up.
2. Looking at your class schedule.
There is no such thing as an ideal schedule because such a thing has never existed.
3. Syllabus week.
Every student’s favorite week, and thankfully it comes not once, but two times a year.
4. When you walk into a class and your squad is in it too.
The professor will hate you all by the end of the semester for your shenanigans.
5. When syllabus week ends.
It’s end means the end of sleep, sanity and happiness for all.
6. Waking up to people screaming in the dorms.
Quite hours are a complete and utter lie- especially Thursday-Sunday... so basically expect to be woken up in the middle of the night because you can hear someone running down the hall, screaming, or blowing their nose down the hall,
7. When your friends want you to go out but you have homework.
Nobody seems to ever have it… but you do. You have homework, a paper, a quiz and an exam-all tomorrow…in one class.
8. That rare night you can finally go out when your friends ask you.
No homework, no problem. Just kidding you still have homework because you always have homework, you just forgot about it.
9. Trying to find something to wear when you go out.
Whether it be to the frat house or to pizza hut, it is always a struggle to find something to wear. If it's a themed party the struggle is even more real so you have to ask your friends what they are wearing, if you should match each other and if they have anything that you can borrow.
10. When you get to the party.
You might not be able to dance, but at least your outfit looks good. So you just have fun and dance a mean Macarena.
11. Waking up the next morning.
Your makeup is everywhere but where it should be- including your pillow.
12. Midterm week.
Who ever thought it was a great idea to have every class have an exam the same week?
13. When one friend starts to get sick.
Youknow it means you’re the next plague's victim.
14. You didn't hear your morning alarms.
You set half a dozen alarms- each of which go off within 5 minutes of the last one- for your 8 am lecture, but you get up at 7:55, get mad, then go back to bed. It just isn’t worth it at that point.
15. Living with the fashion consequences of not having done laundry.
The motto is: if it's clean, it's wearable. Even if it isn't freshly washed, you are just going to drench yourself in perfume because everyone does that- it isn't just you. Oh and look, you’re also out of towels *again*.
16. When inspiration hits.
Hours of staring at a word document with only your name on it have passed. Then suddenly, you hatch a plan for your term paper and frantically attempt to type the words correctly as they come to the forefront of your thoughts.
17. Forgetting you have something due.
Every point counts so you whip out the best paper you have ever written in your life an hour before the paper is due.
18. The first semester is over so that means it’s Christmas!
You’re free to go home and eat all the home-cooked meals you possibly can- savor every bite because the cafeteria food will progressively worsen as the second semester goes on.
19. When you get your final grades back from the first semester.
Just remember C’s get degrees.
20. The “new year, new me” motto you have after winter break.
The first semester was plagued by your lack of good decisions, so you change your attitude and get your life together and you are darn proud of yourself for getting it together.
21. Until you miss class.
It happens the next day and you are back to your old habits, but at least you tried.
22. The mentality that the lowest exam gets dropped.
You say that every time you get a less that desired score on an exam...
23. When you skip class constantly.
Your professor and friends are all shocked you showed up since it isn’t an exam day.
24. Waking up from a nap.
It's the dreaded moment when you realize you have some serious homework to do and *less than* not enough time to get it all done.
25. You want to get together with your friends on the weekend.
But it’s the weekend that everyone goes home so now you have no excuse to not do that lab report.
26. Looking at your syllabus at the end of the semester for the first time.
Because your chemistry professor said there is one more quiz before the final- but you didn’t plan on your grade slipping even more…
27. That quiz that was added last minute…
Yeah it was for extra credit... you could say life is pretty good for you right now- until finals that is.
28. Preparing for finals.
It isn’t easy but you just have to push through... or constantly wallow in self-pity.
29. Waking up the morning of your first final exam.
This is a very dark day for college students worldwide.
30. Your realization after taking a single final.
You are going to change your major to something easier- like self-exploration.
31. But then that fateful day arrives…again
Exam scores are in and you didn’t do as bad as you thought you did.
32. Your studying has FINALLY paid off!
You made it my dudes.
33. In fact, you passed all your exams and it is now officially summer!!
Yeah college is hard but it isn’t impossible; besides, everyone knows you secretly love the seemingly never-ending, emotional college cycle. The good times definitely outweigh the bad ones, and they are the whole reason why college is fun afterall.