At the end of 2016, we all can agree that it has had its fair share of ups and downs. For me, I have had my share of tears, hurt, anger, but a blessed about of smiles, laughter, and great memories. We sit and beg for one year to end and pray for the next one to be better and repeat this over and over. Why? Why can we not seem to get the recipe for a happy life right?
We have all the ingredients. People who love us, clean air to breath, the amount of blessings we are able to count are endless, but yet we still stay stuck in a negative mindset. We love to make sure every social media knows were angry and that things are going well, and forget to thank the ones who appreciate us. I haven’t been in this world long and haven’t seen much yet, but I try my best to be optimistic no matter what battle I am facing. I notice that as I get older, I sometimes forget how lucky I am. So I am making 2017 a different type of year and I hope each and every one of you are ready for this challenge.
First, I learned about myself, that I have a heart that is full and meant to love and I have a lot of loving to give. I once had the impression that I had a lot of love to give a boy, but until that day, I realized I can love tons of other people, places, and passions as well. Once we start focusing on how many other things around us deserve our loving too, we will feel the warmth we strive to find. This also includes loving yourselves first and for most. Love the family you have around you, who love you more than you know, love your friends, and put love in everything you do. No matter what it may be, if you don’t love it, stop trying to force love into it.
Secondly, I am going to be sure to only keep in my life what is positive, whether it is a job, a person, a relationship, cut it off. Negativity can be draining, and if 2016 taught us one thing it is that we are always exhausted. Maybe it is because of what we keep around that tuckers us out. We cannot COMPLAIN about how much something sucks in our life if we aren’t doing ourselves the favor to remove it. Facebook doesn’t want to hear how much you hate your job, trust me. So make the decision to let go of all the baggage that weighs you down and doesn’t excite you to wake up every morning. It is not fair to you to not spend every day doing what makes you happy. You owe it to yourself to wanting to live your life, instead of wishing for the day to be over.
We have 365 days every year and we always start it with a resolution. To lose weight, be kinder, start saying no, all these different things and after a month we go right back to last year’s habits. Let’s stop saying what we’re going to do and actually start doing it. Life is way too short to continue to not live to our full potential. Let’s make 2017 the year of hopes and dreams coming true. Let’s better ourselves and the world around us this time around. I am going to count my blessings, see the good in every situation, and live life for me and what makes me happy. Are you ready for the challenge of the new year?