Before heading out the door today, look down at your shoes. Don't just take a glance as you tie the laces, but really look. Pick them up. Think about how many times you've double-knotted those frayed laces. Know that each time you've tied them up, you've embarked on what was the set of endless possibilities of a new day. Take a look at the heel, and recall all of those times the guy walking behind you accidentally tripped you up by mindlessly kicking your shoes. All of those times you've had to stop, fix your footing and say, "Oh, that's okay." Next, look at the soles. If you've done it right, they should feel completely smooth, as if they were just scraped with sandpaper. Believe it or not, this is the only tangible proof that you've gotten out of bed and made something of your day for the last twelve months. As you thoughtfully inspect the scuffs and marks on your shoes, think about those thousands of steps you've taken, and all the places they've taken you; all of those classes, meetings, dinner dates, coffee trips, football games, long days at work, etc. Look at all of the crevices and creases where your toes meet the top of your foot. Every single crease is a result of the repeated steps you've taken to get somewhere. These places you've gone tell countless stories that, when put together, create a cumulative adventure that tells of your existence over the last year here on Earth.
Those are your shoes, and that was last year, and it has now come to a close. Was it worthwhile? Did you make it everything it could have been?
For most of us, there is usually something more we could have done, people we could have been nicer to or gotten to know better and friendships we could have rekindled. We probably could have worked harder or called our families more often. We even could have used more of our time on the well-being of others rather than on our own benefits and interests. Judging by the appearance of that pair of shoes at the door, hopefully you tried to do the best you could, and learned from your mistakes.
Don't dwell too much on what could have been though. Much like the worn soles under your feet, it's all history now. Instead, think about what you can do with your next new pair of shoes over this impending year. Just imagine the places they'll take you and all of the wonderful people you'll meet, as well as all of the laughs and smiles you'll have. Picture all of the lives that could change for the better, just because you were in them. Also be weary of the trips and falls you could have if you're not fully engaged in the present.
Make it a goal this year to see how many stories you'll be able to tell by just glancing at your next pair of shoes twelve months from now. Hopefully they'll be as worn in, if not more, by this time next year. Maybe they'll be barely hanging by the seams. Just don't let them be spotless, after all, what's another crease in your shoes?
Whatever it is you plan to do over this next year in your new shoes, wear them well and live it to the fullest.