4. Driving/not being able to drive | The Odyssey Online
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15 of the worst Things About NYC

The many downsides to this Concrete Jungle.


When I was younger, the thought of New York City was exciting. Going to the city always meant doing something fun. When I was really little, going to NYC meant a visit to Madame Tussauds, Ripley's Believe It Or Not, The American Girl doll Store and Dylan's Candy Bar. However, as I have gotten older, the excitement that runs through my head at the thought of NYC has diminished. Now, NYC reminds me of high rent, suits and stressful jobs. I still like the city, but now that I am older, I am starting to see the many downsides to city living. Here are just a few:

1. The dirt

I have learned my lesson to never wear sandals for a city day. The dirt from the sidewalk somehow always gets onto my feet and I end up making a beeline for the shower as soon as I get home.

2. How no one talks to each other

When I first moved to PA for college, I was shocked that so many strangers stopped for small talk. That never happens in NY.

3. The subway and LIRR at rush hour

That first train after 5:00 when everyone gets out of work is terribly packed.

4. Driving/not being able to drive

If you can drive in NYC, you can drive anywhere.

5. The rent

I'm not sure how many other places there are in the world where people will pay over $1000 a month to share a shoe box with a group of strangers they found on craigslist.

6. The cost of everything

It's not only the rent that is astronomical--it is absolutely everything.

7. How bikers almost run people over

I feel like people in the city aren't as cautious about bikes as they are about cars. However, bikes could do some serious harm and they're constantly weaving in and out of cars and going way too fast.

8. Unfriendly neighbors

​I'm pretty sure no one really knows their neighbors in Manhattan.

9. Crazy cab drivers

I always stand as far away from the curb as I can when I'm waiting for the light to change. The taxis can be crazy.

10. People who will literally knock you over to make their train

I've seen it happen so many times.

11. It's either too hot or too cold most days of the year

There is nothing worse than standing on a packed subway on a hot summers day or trudging through the snow in the middle of a blizzard.

12. You'll never have your own grass

New Yorkers get overly excited about having a bedroom with a fire escape. I feel like that just goes to show how nature-deprived people are in the city.

13. The work/life balance is usually terrible

It seems like there are not too many people who will take a lunch hour in NYC--or even a half hour. A lot of people just eat at their desks which, in my opinion, is no way to have lunch. Even a 15 or 20 minute break everyday can make you a more productive employee.

14. Home-ownership seems unattainable for most

​Since most people in NYC choose to rent, there is a much smaller pool of homes that are for sale--and the ones that are for sale are astronomically expensive.

15. You think about leaving but you never do--because although it has its many downsides, NYC is still a great place to be.

At the end of the day, even though there's so many downsides to city life, there are a lot of people who find it hard to leave. That's because once you get past the negatives, NYC really does have a lot to offer.

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