There are plenty of horrible people that come into restaurants. Whether they know they're being horrible or not, here are 6 of the worst types of diners out there.
The needy
These are the people that when their server asks "Can I get you anything else?" they always need something else. More ranch, butter, napkins, water, lemons, etc. And they can't ask for these all at once, because we obviously can't handle more than one task at once, so they need to demand ask for these things one at a time, every time the server comes back to the table. Just make a list, people, I promise we can handle it.
Families with small children
Most children don’t bother me. Usually, I love serving kids because they’re not that needy when it comes to their dining preferences. Give ‘em some crayons while they wait for their corn dog and mac n’ cheese with extra napkins and all is good in their world and mine. But as soon as they start screaming and crushing French fries under the table with their tiny little feet, I’m ready for them to hop back in their car seats and GTFO.
College kids or anyone who tips like one
This may come as a shock to some people but servers are not paid very well. We live off of far less than minimum wage and (surprise!) tips. Also, many restaurants make servers share tips with the hosts, bartenders and bussers so when you stiff us, you’re actually making the server lose money. If you can’t afford to tip, you can’t afford to go out to eat. Simple as that. I know you’re broke, college students but so am I. Seriously, help a sister out.
"Actually can we have a booth?"
“Sure, you can sit somewhere other than where I sat you because you want a booth by a window in the warmest, quietest part of the restaurant. You’re going to throw off the whole rotation of what server gets sat next and maybe cause a few fights between the servers and hosts and cause some serious workplace tension, but sure, as long as your butt has a little more cushion it will all be worth it. No problem."
No, I don't mean those customers who are just coming off a week in the woods roasting marshmallows (although those who come in without showering, probably aren't the best customers either, in terms of scent). I'm talking about those who spend hours at their table. I don't care if you are catching up with your best friend from high school or you're writing the next bestseller, you're taking my table away from potential paying customers and therefore I hate you.
I shouldn't say all parties that come into restaurants are the worst, rather high maintenance parties. If you and 20 of your closest friends roll up to a small restaurant you need to be a little flexible. Meaning you'll probably have to sit at a couple of tables pushed together and it might take longer for your drinks, food and checks to be delivered. This is not your servers fault, so don't take it out on their tip. Also, just because you're with a larger group, doesn't mean you should tip less!