To the future generations of this world, I am sorry. I am sorry that the decades born before you have messed it all up so badly for you. I am sorry that we have lied. Lied about what true beauty, self-worth, success and humanity look like. You have been born and raised in a society where both physical flaws and emotional ones are never accepted. To show the blemishes, scars or weakness you have is intolerable to society.
As a society, we have failed to create a positive image for what a typical “gentleman” looks like today. Boys, I am sorry that you have been taught to never show your emotions and that you must always put up a guard. I am sorry that you have never been given the "okay" to break down, to show yourself being an imperfect human, yet normal at the same time. You have been raised in a time where you've learned that violence is the only way to solve a problem; that it is the answer. And that putting down your “sword” is a sign of weakness, not of maturity. Also, I am sorry to the men who lay awake at night questioning their life or existence because they believe in a love different than those around them but are too scared to admit it. I am sorry that your hurt, pain and scars must be hidden and remain a secret to society. The amount of pressure we women can put on you boys to not only "make the first move" or even pay the rent and bills, places a lot of weight onto your shoulders. The expectations women put on you to be “prince charming” is too high; for that, I am sorry.
Ladies, I am sure it is no shocker that society has successfully failed us too. That just like men, we have also been lied to. However, instead of being seen as too tough or strong, we are seen as weak and inferior. Society has convinced us that we will never be as strong or brave as men. We now live in a time where we cannot walk alone through an alley alone at night because we fear of what could happen. We have to clench our purses to our waist while in big crowds because we are always known as the “easy targets.” And whether it has been portrayed through the media, or other sources, sometimes it seems as if the highest title we can have is “hot” or “sexy.” We are not perfect, and although everyone around us knows this simple truth, we are still expected to look as if we are. I am sorry for the pressure we have to always be that perfect image. Whether it be physically or emotionally, each day we walk out of the house, we are expected to have our blemishes covered, along with our other flaws in fear of disappointing those who expect us to reflect some super model out of a magazine. I am sorry that society has told you that your beauty comes from the outside and never within.
With all of this being said, it is about time that men start treating women like ladies and ladies start treating men like gentlemen. Neither sex is to blame for why our generations is distorted today. But I know that if I have children one day, I never want my daughter to question her self-worth and beauty. And I never want my son to feel ashamed of his weaknesses and emotions. Ladies, you have been told that your voice has more importance when silenced instead of spoken. And men, you have been taught that the greatest accessory you could wear is a mask to cover your weaknesses. To the future generations, I am sorry for the lies that will be spoken to you. I hope that despite all of it, you will still be rooted in the truth of knowing that we are imperfect humans, but as a society, men and women together, we have the potential to create something truly beautiful out of our imperfections.