Ignorance is an illness that is significantly plaguing our world today. The lack of knowledge, awareness, and interest in the events, cultures, and people of the world has increased to an all-time high, which has left threatening side effects.
The pain and sadness I feel every day is palpable when I read the news and see yet another headline flashing the words “dead,” “accident,” or “attack." It hurts me because I feel as though the goodness in the world is becoming less and less apparent, and with that, the cloud of darkness that has always been a surrounding factor is becoming powerful.
I am no idealist. I know there will always be people who decide violence, hatred, and disdain are the ways to express feelings, but why? I am just trying to understand “why” people believe bloodshed and death are accurate responses. Please explain this to me because I have googled too many articles on the animosity a person can possess — and I just don't get it.
I have noticed, however, in most instances of these violent acts there is a common motif of ‘ignorance.’ People who just don’t want to educate themselves. People who don’t want to understand the idea that not all those who associate themselves with a specific religion, community, or other variables seek violence. In most cases, they are kind, friendly, peaceful neighbors, coworkers, and members of society.
Ignorance has already killed too many. It has killed mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters, teachers, and my spirit. We remain complacent and refuse to change our rigid views. Change and progression are hard; however, the movement of the world is never going to stop, so why not learn?
Ignorance is not bliss; it is a weapon. A gun, knife, bomb that elicits pain.
Ignorance about your friend's mental condition can lead to suicide. Ignorance about the political condition of your home can lead to insipid leaders. Ignorance about your finances can leave you penniless.
I want ignorance to stop taking the lives of my brothers and sisters. I know this ominous shadow inundated with ignorance and hatred can be overtaken by an incandescent light, but when? I may be impatient, but I am tired of waiting. I want to open the news and read headlines with words that say, “peaceful,” “friendship,” and so many more positive expressions.
I know I said I wasn’t an idealist, but after writing this, well, I guess I am. However, I don’t think I should be deemed as an “idealist” to want to see more people thriving and alive. If it is, then, well, I guess, it’s better for me to be ignorant.