I plead guilty to constantly comparing myself to others. Most people will plead at fault as well. It’s hard not to. In every magazine, social media post, or just a walk down the street, there’s someone who has a better body, face, outfit, or hair than you. It’s second nature in today’s society to feel insecure and to experience low self esteem just by viewing an ad on television.
But why do we do it? I’ve been asking myself this question for years. Why do I continuously bring myself down just because I am different from another woman? I honestly can’t tell you the answer. After years and years of being told that the ideal beautiful woman or man is the person appearing on the newest Vogue magazine or in the latest movie, I had accepted it. I wasn’t them, and that meant I wasn’t beautiful.
We have been allowing movie producers and leaders of pop culture to dictate our thoughts, feelings, confidence, and essentially our entire lives. Even with the body positivity movement, we’re still allowing ourselves to be brought down by the expectations of societal institutions. Everywhere you turn there is a sign to love your body, followed by a liposuction or plastic surgery advertisement. It’s discouraging to say the least.
As a society we have lost something so important, the ability to say we are different. Everyone is so obsessed with looking like their favorite Kardashian or model that they have forgotten what is so special about the beautiful being they were born to be.
I do not look like most of the women I think are beautiful. But that doesn’t mean that I am not beautiful. Flowers and Christmas lights are both beautiful and they look nothing alike. I want to love myself for who I am, while still loving others for who they are. It’s time we all gave credit to our bodies and our minds and walk confidently down the path of life