"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace."
- Jimi Hendrix
From shooting up schools to sexual assault everywhere, this world seems to get darker and darker every day. We hear about these issues, we think about them, and we grieve. But what do we do? What should we do? Here is one simple answer: Love.
There's the classic saying, "Never judge a book by its cover" and that saying couldn't be truer than it is right now. The person next to you, your co-worker, heck even your best friend could be going through a rough time and you could not have a clue.
So first and foremost, be kind to everyone you encounter. Even if they're the rudest cashier or a very impatient boss, be kind. You can never fight fire with fire so try to put out the flames instead. And you may be surprised at what you may find.
You have a terrible waitress? Tip her good. Maybe she's having a life crisis and barely is making rent, and you just changed her world by giving her twenty dollars. Just try your best and even if you don't make a difference today, it will make a difference someday.
Everyone is so caught up in their own crazy lives sometimes we forget to ask someone how they are doing. So instead of focusing on only yourself, listen to someone else. Sometimes we just need someone to let us talk out everything and anything that's bothering us; we need a shoulder to cry on. Be that shoulder.
Let people see you as a comfort, as someone who cares. You don't even have to necessarily give advice, just listening is more than enough. And listening to someone without judgment can be the best way to tell someone you love them without saying it. So do it, open your heart and your ears to the people that need you.
Sure, there are plenty of ways to say I love you without actually having to say it. But really you need to say the words. Tell people you love them, remind them even if they don't say it back. Every human needs reassurance, it's part of who we are as creatures. So remind people you love them by saying "I love you" because it's better than trying to read through the lines and guess that someone loves you.
And prove it while you're at it, write them a note or make a surprise visit, but repeat the three words like a prayer. Because in the end of the day it doesn't matter who you are or what you do, it's about who you loved and how you've loved.
There are so many ways to love and these are just a few that are important, especially right now. The world cannot heal if we cannot love each other despite race, color, creed, sexuality, etc., because we need each other. All of us need to come together before we let ourselves continue to fall apart. So love like it's the last thing you'll ever do because if nothing changes, it actually might be the last thing you'll ever do. And remember, love will always trumps hate.