For some reason, I always think that I know more than I do.
Because last year I was just so naïve, but now I know what’s going on.
I’m on top.
I’ve learned from my mistakes.
There’s no going back, I’ve figured it all out.
But, right this exact second, the only thing I’m sure of, is that I’m not sure of anything. Everything is changing and it’s never ever going to stop changing. Even if I make the ultimate narcissistic error and blindly assume that I’m even one step ahead, the painful reality is that I’m just plain wrong.
Every decision I make, or you make, or the kid down the hall who’s always passed out in the lobby makes, completely flips my world. Imagine how many small details had to happen exactly the way they did in order for you to run into a familiar face in the laundry room.
In a split second everything can go whack. Things are changing, people are moving, and I know nothing.
People change us, experiences change us, literature and art change us. How much sleep you got the night before or what you ate for breakfast this morning changes us. It twists your head a little bit.
What I write today I may not agree with in a year, or even a month, from now. It’s scary to let the world know what you think when you might contradict yourself next week.
So, for now, I’m standing by the fact that I know very little.
I might be able to recite the titles of Whitman poems or tell you the difference between a simile and a metaphor, but when it comes to the way the world works, I’m pretty clueless. Which is kind of cool when you stop and think about.
Here’s to new dreams and beliefs. New people and new information. New writing, new ideas, new forms of creativity, and new ways to show people you love them. I’m still a little bit afraid of change, but I think I like that.