As I am sitting here, rocking a baby, I can't help but notice how pure and innocent she is. Then I start to think about all the evil that has happened in the last few days. I just hope and pray that she never has to witness something like the Dallas shootings, Orlando Nightclub shooting or any other disaster. The United States of America is not as great as some people think it is. I honestly love my home country, but it's starting to become a place where I don't feel safe. I don't feel like I belong here.
When we say "One nation under God" I don't think we actually believe it because we definitely don't act like it. Our country needs Jesus fast. As the chaos continues, I wish that Jesus would come get us soon. I say that because He is ultimately the only one that can save us from all the evil in the world. Satan has taken over this country and world that he is slowly sucking the life out of everything. He won't stop until we, as Christians. do something about it.
The hashtag #ALLlivesmatter is the best hashtag that I have ever seen, in my opinion. That's because it's true. My life equals just as much as the homeless men and women in this world. My life is equal to the President of the United States. If Jesus can eat with the poor and the rich and love them the same, then why can't we? I really don't understand how people don't realized that. A life is a life and it can be taken away just as fast.
I don't agree with the bad cops that are in the police forces that are taking down and profiling innocent individuals. That is wrong and something needs to be done. Even if someone has a different skin color than you and you feel as though they are going to hurt you, either turn away or address the situation without violence. Violence doesn't get solved with more violence. I believe that Satan is pushing his way through the country, making people believe that the only way to survive is to kill. I'm sorry but that's not it. If you want to survive this world, call out to Jesus because he's the only one that can save us.
Our world as we know it is changing rapidly. The newest candidates for the Presidential election are either going to make or break America. I honestly don't want either candidates because I don't see how they are the best fit at this time. However, if one of them change, understand that there needs to change and will actually make the changes, then I will be more than happy to support them. Until then, I am going to pray that our leaders in our country make the right decisions on how to handle all of these situations. I pray for everyone in this country to put down the weapons and love as Christ has loved us.