Dear twenty-something year olds,
Wow, look at you. Look at how successful you are. LOOK at how incredible you are. Take a deep breath. Think about all the obstacles you have had to overcome to get to exactly where you are today. You have suffered loss, you have lost loved ones and dearest friends, you have struggled mentally, physically, emotionally, financially… the list goes on. But you persevered.
I would like to spend these next few moments with you, thinking and really feeling that everything is going to be okay. Let’s try to let go of what’s behind us and try to hone in on all the opportunities you have to look forward to. Let’s explore.
Sometimes you love too much, and sometimes you love too little. Both sides are okay. You have spent years giving and giving to all the wrong people, that now you are at a time in your life where you have to be selfish. You don’t owe anyone anything. You have to decide who is worth possibly hurting you in the future, because you know loss oh so well. You know that becoming attached to someone means taking a risk that you may lose them. And although that is a terrible fear and maybe even sometimes outlandish, it is logical. For all those people who walked out of your life, I am sorry. But don’t forget, you wouldn’t experience the gratitude in cherished friendships if you didn’t know what it felt like to lose anyone. It’s a part of growing up.
You are so strong. But please swallow your damn pride. You know all that stuff that’s been hurting your heart? Let it out. Let it go. CRY. You do not need to be fully composed every single moment of every single day. There is a sense of beauty in vulnerability. Remember that grief is not only for the loss by death. It can be of a friendship, or a relationship as well. There is no time span on grieving; you will be fine, then you will feel as though everything is falling apart, and then you will feel angry. Allow yourself to really feel those emotions. I know you don’t want to, but imagine how much better you are going to feel once you release the heaviness of that burden on your shoulders.
Listen to your favorite music, eat your favorite foods, and do not let people’s opinions of who they think you are affect you. Stop hating what you see in the mirror, you’re amazing just the way you are. Cut yourself some slack and remember how great you are. You are loved by so many people. You have experienced many lows in your life, and unfortunately you will experience many more. You are the author of your life novel.
The world never stops turning. You must never give up on yourself or your dreams. You must never let yourself feel so defeated that you lose your passion. You are so important.
A twenty-something year old