Working moms are a slow dying trend. More moms are staying home with their kids and cleaning the house and cooking for their husbands while the rest of us are working 40 or more hours per week. It is a hard job whether you stay at home or you work, but I am going to focus on the working moms today.
I know we can all agree on one thing. We are tired, our feet hurt, and coming home to screaming kids and a messy house is something we don't look forward to. Well why do we do it? I think we can all agree on one thing, money. We do it for money. Yes, my husband works as much as I do. But the bill collectors unfortunately need more money than he makes. Rent, utilities, loans, student loans, and vacations all involve money, so we can lead a semi-normal life.
OK, I get it, we need money. Why not get a better job or have your husband get a better job? Well, there's our friends. Most of my friends are at my job. We all can come together to complain about the dogs chewing up stuff, the kids for being, well, kids and spouses for being crazy. That work friendship helps us to balance our work life and personal life.
So while there are reasons that we work, there's also some things we miss while we work. Our children. My daughter is 5, almost 6, and I feel that I have missed a lot of things in her young life. I have YET to get to help her with homework, snow days have been a bore as well since I have to work while she is at home.
Can't forget our poor husbands. They have to deal with our moods already so when we have worked 40 or more hours, our moods multiply by 10. Sometimes we don't give them enough credit for cleaning the house, taking out the trash, picking up the kids and taking the dogs out while we are at work. If you work crazy hours, you know that there's usually no date nights with the significant other.
Long story short, we are tired, feel unappreciated, and miss out on some important moments in our lives. But one thing is for sure, we love and adore our families more than anyone can understand. We have make up time when we are off and make the most of it.
Encourage other working moms whether you are one or not. We all can work together to lift each other up and get us through that 9-5 working grind that we all know and love so well.