The Word "Slut" Should Be Erased From Language. | The Odyssey Online
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The Word "Slut" Should Be Erased From Language.

Something so dumb shouldn't exist.

The Word "Slut" Should Be Erased From Language.

I have been called a slut more times then I can count. Now I know that some of you have just thought about what I have done to deserve it. The truth is that it doesn’t matter what I have done. It doesn’t matter if I slept with 543 people. It doesn’t matter if I was walking around Central Park naked. It doesn’t matter if I flirted or wore a low cut top. None of that matters, and that took me a long time to figure out. has two definitions for the word slut. The first definition is a woman who has many casual sexual partners. The second definition is a woman with low standards of cleanliness. In all honesty, I prefer the definition that Urban Dictionary gives: a woman with the morals of a man. Men get away with a lot of behavior that women get in trouble for, but this part of slut shaming has been talked about, and while it is important, I want to talk about something else.

Why is it anyone’s business how many people I have slept with or how short my skirt is? Why do people care? And specifically, why does it make me less of a person?

No one has the right to know about what goes on in my life in private. That is why it happens in private. No one has the right to assume that just because I wear short shorts, that I am sleeping with 543 people. That is my private information, meaning that I know about it and you don’t.

The second thing is why do people care? People aren’t hurting you by having sex. This is, unless, it is not consensual, but if two consenting adults want to have sex with each other then they should be allowed to. Also, each of them should not feel dirty, wrong, or inferior because they had sex or want to have sex. They aren’t causing wars, and they aren’t bothering anyone else, so stop it with all of the discrimination.

The last thing is, why is it that I am less of or a dirtier person because I had sex? I take care of all of my pets and hug my parents sometimes; I am a pretty decent human being, but that doesn’t matter because I had sex. Having sex should determine how people think of me for the rest of my life. If you did not catch the sarcasm in that last part, it was intended. This is a ridiculous thing to judge someone on. If a person is nice then they are going to be nice no matter how many people they have slept with.

So please, stop the nonsense of calling someone a derogatory term because they had sex, and just concentrate on doing something good instead.

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