Being religious in college is hard. I am Catholic, but unfortunately, I have not made it to church once so far since school started. Keeping up with my faith has been tough, but I recently stumbled upon an acronym that I believe is a helpful guide to staying close to your faith and God, especially throughout these busy and chaotic years. The word Grace is written in the Bible said in church, and overall just connects to faith and God. GRACE is . . .
G is for Gratitude.
Always be thankful for your blessings.
R is for Relationship.
Make your Christian relationships and your relationship with God a priority.
A is for Action.
You can talk the talk, but do you walk the walk? Act on your faith and your values.
C is for Character.
WWJD? You can always grow to be more like Jesus and live your life through His beliefs to be the best you that you can be.
E is for Effort.
In my opinion, this is the most important one. Ask yourself if you are making the effort and putting your energy into living through your faith. Sometimes we veer off of our life road and need to make an effort to get back on track and renew our beliefs.
Make your life full of Grace! And above all, be kind and love others to your fullest potential.
Just something warm and fuzzy to think on during these bitter cold months.