The Winners And Losers Of Brexit | The Odyssey Online
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The Winners And Losers Of Brexit

Who fared well from the vote and who suffered?

The Winners And Losers Of Brexit
IP Watch

In a week that gave us the historic referendum for the British to leave the European Union, we see the political climate shifting. Politicians on both sides of the aisle went all in on this vote and, like gambling, some won big and some lost it all.


Nigel Farage and UKIP

The relatively young party and their controversial leader have been working towards the United Kingdom's independence from the EU ever since their inception in 1993. Gaining substantial political ground in 2013, Farage and his party have been putting increased pressure on the Cameron government to leave the EU. In response, Prime Minister David Cameron promised an EU referendum in his election manifesto. Farage and UKIP have been campaigning hard for the "Leave" camp. Now, with both the EU and Cameron defeated, UKIP has the opportunity to capitalize on elections and government positions in the future.

Boris Johnson

The former Mayor of London with the Trump hair was one of the top Conservatives to revolt against Prime Minister Cameron and campaign for "Leave." Now, with Cameron's retirement announcement, Johnson is one person who could take over as Prime Minister. As outspoken, right wing, and controversial as Nigel Farage, Johnson is considered the favorite to take the top spot.

Other right wing leaders in Europe

The success of the "Leave" camp has inspired other far right politicians in Europe. In France, Marine Le Pen, the head of the far-right National Front party, led the call for a French leave referendum. Upon hearing the news, Le Pen tweeted, “Victory for freedom! As I’ve asked for years, we need the same referendum in France and in the EU countries."

Meanwhile, in the Netherlands, anti-immigration leader Geert Wilders is calling for a similar vote. Wilders, the founder of the far-right Dutch Party for Freedom, is currently running for Prime Minister of the Netherlands. If elected, he promises to hold a Dutch referendum. “We want be in charge of our own country, our own money, our own borders, and our own immigration policy," he said in a statement. "As quickly as possible the Dutch need to get the opportunity to have their say about Dutch membership of the European Union."

Other countries thinking of leaving include Germany, Hungary, Austria, and Finland.


The European Union

Because the "Leaves" defeated the "Remains," the EU has the possibility of losing one of their most valuable countries. The United Kingdom is one of the top contributors to the EU, donating 12 billion pounds a year, of which it sees less than half in return. The United Kingdom is second only to Germany in contributions. Trade is also another hit that the EU will take. The EU is threatening to impose tariffs on British exports, which will hurt Britain. However, Britain has offered to return the favor, imposing tariffs which will cripple trade for countries like Germany, Italy, and Ireland. Add in the domino effect of other countries leaving and you have a gutted, bleeding European Union on the edge of collapse.

David Cameron

A year after being elected with a solid majority in Parliament, David Cameron is retiring his position as Prime Minister. David Cameron, despite promising to allow a EU referendum, was firmly in the "Remain" camp. He campaigned hard, throwing the full force of his government behind remaining in the EU. Leading up to and after losing the vote, many Conservatives lost faith in him and called for his resignation. It was a shame because Britain was recovering under his government and their leadership.

Jeremy Corbyn

The other side of the aisle is not fairing much better.

The Labour Party, under the leadership of Jeremy Corbyn, campaigned for Remain. However, his own party question how hard he campaigned. Corbyn is considered to be the most "Eurosceptic Labour leader in years" and so there are questions about his position. After firing Shadow Foreign Secretary Hilary Benn for reportedly trying to start a coup, several of his top shadow cabinet members resigned in protest. An embattled Labour Leader can't do much to capitalize on his conservative opponent's losses.

Notice that I did not put England in the winner or loser category. This is because things have yet to play out. Soon enough, we'll be able to see where they fit. Until then, both the winners and the losers will do what they can to better their countries and themselves.

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