The Weightlifting Belt, Yes Or No? | The Odyssey Online
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The Weightlifting Belt, Yes Or No?

How to know if you should be wearing a belt or not.

The Weightlifting Belt, Yes Or No?

If you came here to get a direct yes/no answer it is time to click the little "x" in the corner because I am not going to do that. However, here's your quick and dirty guide on how to choose.

Often times in the gym you see people wearing belts while lifting. They come in many sizes, colors, and fabrics, the most classic being the brown leather. So how do you know what one is for you, if it is for you at all, or when to wear one? I am here to form your own opinion.

Below are gatherings of information I have found during research of my own! All from credible sources such as coaches for collegiate sports, research from academic journals, etc. If any questions arise--feel free to contact me!

The basics:


The main reason people opt out of wearing a belt while lifting is because it covers up the lack of core strength. By choosing to always wear a belt during lifts, your core, and potentially other muscles, do not become engaged. If you train for a sport of some kind or just for aesthetics, the goal is to have a well-rounded and overall developed body. By improperly wearing or a belt you may run into unequal strength and/or muscle mass.


Many people wear belts without knowing why. The top two reasons are protection and assistance. When you wear a belt, the abdominal pressure allows for more spinal support. Wearing a belt at any time will allow for maximum force output, but the repercussion you face from using a belt while working with low weight is that you under-develop your core. Wearing a belt can be helpful for a seasoned lifter after learning how to properly breathe, master proper tension, and use correct form.


If you choose to wear a belt it is important that you realize when it is appropriate to wear one. Before you walk around looking a fool, the answer is not the whole time you are at the gym. Belts should be worn during (subjective) ~75%+ range of lifting.

In conclusion,

Allow yourself to use a belt as a tool, do not rely on it.

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