It's finally almost here, Spring Break. I am so looking forward to my first Spring Break of college and what better way to describe how I feel this week than through "The Office."
1. Losing concentration in every single one of your classes while you think about how many naps you're going to take over break.
Both your professor and your fellow students know that you're not mentally there and they expect very little of you this week. You're trying to look like you really care about the movie they're playing in your English class but you know you don't even remember the title.
2. Taking any sort of test or quiz this week is literally impossible and you slowly are accepting you should probably drop out.
This was my exact reaction to my Microeconomics quiz this morning on supply and demand...
3. Whenever your friends make plans with you over break you realize your relationship with them just leveled up.
You guys are now "break buddies" and you will be forever friends... unless something terrible happens and somehow you end up in Vegas with a baby and a tiger. No matter what you guys do together over break, it will go down in history.
4. Your responses to your professors are slowly becoming less educated and well, much more like something Kevin from the Office would say.
Your effort level has dropped and you can't care enough to fix it at this point. You're tired and ready for break to begin so you can stop acting educated and sophisticated.
5. When someone reminds you that you're not going on vacation for Spring Break and you're staying in your dorm all week....
6. But then you remember all those naps you're about to take...
And life is then good again and you have something to look forward to.
7. Your friends love to ask you to go on last minute trips for Spring Break but all you can say is:
Because let's be real, we're all broke AF and are too lazy to do anything about it at the end of the day.
8. But we all have that one classmate reminding our professors of the exams and/or projects that are due before Spring Break even begins and you just sit there like:
Deep down inside, your new hatred for Jessica from Philosophy has begun and there's no stopping that.
9. But once Thursday hits and your Spring Break officially starts you'll forget all about Jessica and start to enjoy yourself!