The week before Spring Break can be tough to say the least. It can be one of the most grueling weeks in the semester, especially if you've been putting off work. New Girl is here to remind you that you've got everything under control.
1. People ask you about assignments the weekend before break, and you don't even give them the time of day.
You refuse to acknowledge the fact that you're approaching one of the busiest weeks ever. Who has time to think of all of their responsibilities when they're finalizing their Spring Break plans??
2. But then it's Monday, and you realize that you have so much to do.
After spending an hour complaining to your parents (which could have been used to get things done), your parents try to console you a bit and then remind you that it's college and this is the adult world. They just don't understand, though.
3. You remember that you should probably apply for internships or look for a summer job right about now.
All of these adult responsibilities just keep creeping up on you. Can I just go back to playing with Legos and forget about everything else?
4. Suddenly you realize you’re behind on your Spring Break diet.
You try to make up for that lost time by eliminating donuts and ice cream. Not completely, of course. You just cut back a bit.
5. Your super fit friend tries to help you out
with a quick-fix exercise routine.They insist that they can change your bad habits and get you fit. You believe them because they're your friend, and they only have your best interest at heart.
6. You try to hit the gym for the first time in….forever.
So you go to the gym ready to hit the treadmill and things don't go as planned. This is going to be harder than I thought...
7. You keep trying to motivate yourself to get the stuff done that you procrastinated.
Because running away from your problems worked for awhile until this week approached. Now you have five papers to write, a group project, three paintings to complete, and a daily pity-party to attend.
8. You ask your English major friend to help you out with that eight-page paper that is due tomorrow.
You are eternally grateful for their diverse vocabulary and way with words. How did you ever manage to write a decent paper without them before?
9. Your professor offers an optional quiz to boost students’ grades before break.
You already have five-hundred things to do, an optional quiz isn't something that you want to add to the mix.
10. Then your professor decides that the quiz is no longer optional and slips in the last-minute quiz the Friday before break.
This should be illegal. It wasn't on the syllabus. I don't have time for this.
11. You try to convince your friends to bring you coffee and food while you study for those tests and quizzes.
You'd help them out if they asked and you expect them to do the same.
12. And your friends talk about going out while you quietly cry yourself to sleep over your enormous amount of work.
I'm really happy for you, but I also want to cry.
13. You try to get yourself to start studying for that test.
Multiple pep-talks later, you pick up those flash cards and study for a solid twenty minutes before needing another pep-talk.
14. After a couple of hours, you start to lose your mind at 2AM and can no longer concentrate on your studies.
You're not even sure what you're doing anymore. All you know is that you don't understand anything.
15. You get frustrated and wish that you had been on top of the syllabus in the first place.
Why didn't I just work ahead? Why did I put things off? I'm not going to let this happen next semester.
16. Eventually, you turn into an angry person who can’t stand to see others happy.
If you're miserable with work, why aren't they?
17. You see joyous, care-free elementary students doing absolutely nothing when you go out on a coffee run.
Enough said.
18. After a while, you drink because your brain is fried. And also to prep yourself for Spring Break.
You've got to be ready for those beach parties.
19. After what feels like a lifetime, you finish up that dreaded group assignment.
One thing done, many more to go.
20. And after a long week, you eventually complete all of your responsibilities.
One tough week done, now onto Spring Break.