Ballroom dancing is free every Wednesday in the Woman's Building on Corvallis Main Campus.
Heels hit the floor in an eloquently rhythmic manner, arms swung around intertwined bodies, and laughter couldn't help but escape from every mouth on the dance floor. Room 116 of The Woman's Building was filled with awkward first timers, professional athletes, and those in-between groups who were just starting to find out they didn't have two left feet after all. Skill was not the main goal of the event held every Wednesday night. The most successful people seemed to be the ones smiling and just going with the flow.
“Just talk to people, even if you don’t want to dance!”
The President of the Ballroom Dance Club, Tyler Robertson, said that when asked about newcomers for Wednesday night dances. Even if you just want to start out talking, there is plenty of time to work your way into the dance. There is a lesson beginning at 7 p.m. every Wednesday night in the Woman’s Building in Room 116, OSU Main Campus, Corvallis OR. Open dancing starts at 8 p.m. and goes until 10 p.m. At the end of ballroom dancing there is also a West Coast Swing Club which dances from 10 p.m. till 11 p.m. in the same location.
According to their website, the Oregon State Ballroom Dance Club “is a student-run club with a goal to provide dancing and learning opportunities to OSU members and the Corvallis community.” Anyone is welcome to come and the price is free for all Wednesday night dances. There are other dances which can be found on their ballroom dance schedule, but tickets usually never exceed five dollars for students.
Although this event is practically free for students, many are still hesitant to go because of dance experience. However, there is a lesson before every dance where you are guided through basic steps slowly, and there are also plenty of experienced dancers who are willing and ready to show you new dance steps. I had never done the hustle a day in my life, but after three minutes on the dance floor with a professional ballroom teacher, I was starting to feel like a pro myself.
Dancing isn’t the only aspect of this event, though. It isn’t called social dancing for nothing! Newest professor Andrew C. Blackburne says, “It’s a great way to meet new people. I used to be an introvert before dancing and now I don’t feel uncomfortable at all anymore."
Andrew attended Oregon State University himself and obtained his degree in Chemistry before going along with the traveling ballroom dance team. Now he is back at Oregon State teaching two classes of his own, both are ballroom ones.
Ballroom dancing is a combination of several different dance types. There is swing, west coast swing, cha cha, tango, hustle, waltz, and many others. The variety of dances allows people from many dancing backgrounds to be able to experience Wednesday night dances and be fairly knowledgeable about the moves
President Tyler Robertson talked to me between dances about how he would like to "start integrating the dance clubs together." He also agreed with my statement that nobody seems to know how to find clubs on campus. Sometimes the best way to communicate is by word of mouth... or words on a page.
Come to the dances!
Where: Woman’s Building in Room 116, OSU Main Campus, Corvallis OR
When: Every Wednesday Night
Hours: Wed. 7-8 (Lesson), 8-10 (Open Dance)
Cost: Free