I can’t remember a day where I have looked into a mirror and did not pointed out a million flaws. Even when I was a young girl I noticed them. I noticed flaws on my face, stomach, legs, hair, arms, feet, and even my hands. I have never seen myself as beautiful. It’s hard to see yourself beautiful when everywhere you look flawless models cover your screens. Woman with flat stomachs, perfect faces, long legs, and amazing hair. Even for men it is hard to see themselves as attractive because of how the media believes we should look like. Their perfect bodies are on our Instagram, Facebook, twitter, magazines, and even more places.
My body image has always been a constant struggle. There are days where I feel that I look good, but I will look over at a mirror in a store and instantly cross my arms to cover my stomach. I know I’m not the only one that feels that way. Friends of mine have explained how they don’t feel comfortable with how they look. Most people who don’t have a body that looks like it belongs on the cover of a magazine feel uncomfortable with how they look. Every day is a constant struggle with how I look. There are times when I stare at myself in the mirror and think about ways to fix it. I have worked out to try to slim down my stomach, to make my arms more muscular, to thin down my thighs, and more. It usually ends with me not being happy because I still don’t look like the girl I want to be. I want to have long blonde hair, with skinny arms and legs, a flat stomach, and beautiful skin. There were days in high school that I would take my lunch and throw it out because I hated seeing the food. I thought of it as something disgusting that would make me look even worse. These days I eat my all of my meals, but I still find myself looking at food as a disgusting thing that makes me gain weight.
A year or so ago, I came to the realization that my body will never look like the girls on the cover of magazines. It was hard to acknowledge it at first, but with every day it gets a little bit easier. I try to look in the mirror and point out one or two great things about myself. Like my eyes, they change color depending on the clothes I wear and my mood. Some days they are a stealing grey/blue, but others they are a dark blue color. I love my eyes even though sometimes I have to wear glasses to see. Pointing out one or more things I find beautiful about myself has helped tremendously. It has helped me realize that I am beautiful. I might not look like a model, but I am beautiful. For all those struggling with body Image, I understand. I know there are days that it is hard to leave the house because you don’t like the way you look. I understand that looking in a mirror can be the most terrifying part of your day. You must remember that you are beautiful. In your own unique ways and no one can ever replace you. Beauty is deeper than your skin, never forget that.