What's it been, two months out? Mm, just about, save a couple of days. It's just like yesterday I was sitting in the sweltering heat of Yankee Stadium, fighting to stay conscious as UV rays hammered me like one whacks a mole in an energetic arcade, fanfare only slightly registering due to my struggle to stay alive.
Shortly after graduation, I wrote my debut Odyssey piece, waxing lyrical on finishing my education and whatnot. I'd say the piece still accurately conveys what I felt, even in hindsight. I'd also say it's much harder to pinpoint the sensation of being in a post graduate world. Hell, circumstances keep rotating so rapidly, I don't even think logically I could pinpoint where I am.
Abstractly, I feel like a kid in a swimming pool, but like, not a little kid, more along the lines of that 10-year-old who's at least a good few inches above the water though not totally a skyscraper. The kid who's like "do I like this? Do I want to be in the adult pool? One thing's for sure, I do NOT wanna go back to the baby pool."
That analogy's the closest I'm gonna get (ya know, I think it was pretty solid). Um, to be completely honest, I'm trying my best to offer an optimistic teaching or perspective on post-grad - but I don't know exactly what to say, would you believe it. The script here is much more challenging to scribe. I can only hope you're all crafting your paths appropriately, backed by all of the support and empathy from friends and family everywhere. I trust you all; you're a sharp generation, you are.
A few weeks ago I'd believed I would be in New York City for another year, at least. A certainty. That changed only a couple of weeks ago! It's not bad, mind you. But now it's as if I don't know if I want to relax in the pool, spelunk in the pool, or who I want to be in the pool with. I want to have a good time, I want it to mean something. I know that.
Ah, dear readers, I'm sorry. I came into this expecting for my usual momentum to kick in and churn out at least a few helpful encouragements and advice. I know what I want to offer, I just don't quite know how to optimize that desire. Ironically, that perfectly describes how I feel in this bubble of time, from then to now.
But that's okay. I do realize that!
It's okay. Maybe tomorrow, maybe next week, the answer will come. Not because I deserve one. Not because I think I'm entitled due to past work. It'll come because I'm still on that quest. I haven't dropped my goal just yet. Just cause you stop for gas doesn't mean you're giving up on your road trip, eh?
Ooh, I thought that was fairly clever! Okay, so yeah, even if you feel let down by the lack of epic scope here, that's a little snippet to take away.
I'm excited; the adventure still continues. There were simply some choppy seas to sail over. I wish you the best on yours, seeing as we're all sailing the same waters. We got each other, in mind and body. What could be better than that?