The Water Gallon Challenge | The Odyssey Online
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The Water Gallon Challenge

I drank a gallon of water for five days and this is what happened.

The Water Gallon Challenge

Ah, water. I'd like to think that I drink the correct amount throughout my average day but honestly, I normally only drink it with meals and when I'm actually feeling like I'm going to die of thirst.

As I spent Spring Break in Gatlinburg, Tennessee, my 21-year-old self probably sipped on more moonshine than water. Dehydration set in and I thought that this would be a perfect time to try out the water gallon fad that has been popping up a lot in the past year. The rules are pretty basic: every day I must drink at least one gallon of water. Easy, right? I have my trusty water bottle and I'm ready to get started.

Day 1: Holy bathroom.

It's been quite the struggle, but I will prevail. I must note that I have had to go to the bathroom upon reaching any location I visited today. It felt like anytime I got in my car or sat down I needed a trip to the ladies room. That's to be expected, but I didn't realize it'd be so frequent. If there was a drop of moonshine left in my system at all from Spring Break, I'm pretty sure it's long gone, now.

I realize that it's too early to really see any difference in my complexion or certainly a change in my waistline, but I was really hoping that the water intake would help me feel a lot more full with food. I'm sure this is just because of it being the first day and that everyone is different but drinking so much water throughout the day didn't necessarily curb my hunger. Instead of getting the feeling of being full and content, I got the feeling that I was walking around bloated with a huge amount of unsatisfying water that was about to send me to the bathroom.

Day 2: OK, I think I can do this.

I thought that maybe it would take longer for me to get used to guzzling an entire gallon of water in a day but my second day hasn't been so bad. Mind you, I did wake up throughout the entire night having to go to the bathroom but, frankly, my sleep schedule is awful and I put off drinking my last 40 ounces of water until my last hours before hitting the hay around 1:30 a.m.

I actually was worried that I wouldn't make it today because I had a four-hour shift in the computer lab for my campus job and I forgot my water bottle in my dorm. To my surprise, despite having drank 60 ounces of water between the morning and early afternoon, my throat started to feel parched and I really missed my trusty water bottle. When I was able to get back to it, I had no trouble drinking the rest. I'm guessing my body has been a bit more dehydrated lately than I thought.

Oh, also, the water did seem to help with my late night cravings. Granted, I steered clear of Buzzfeed Food and Tasty.

Day 3: "Where's my water bottle?"

By the third day, I've felt like my water bottle is a little part of me. "Phone? Check. Keys? Check. Water bottle? Oh, crikey, where is my water bottle? There it is. Check."

Since there haven't been any drastic changes from the second day, I was really really weird curious and decided to keep track of how many times I had to visit the ladies room that day. Before doing so, since I wanted to know how much of a water-drinking freak I had become, I went to my trusty friend Google to see if I was in the average range of bathroom visits. Between six and eight times a day is the normal, healthy average. Seems like a decent amount right? Surely I couldn't have gone over it too much, right?

Wrong. Friends, on Day 3, I went 16 times. I saw a Pinterest workout that called to do 25 squats every time you went to the bathroom. I sort of regret not trying that out because I'd be looking good.

Day 4 and 5: Bye bye, cravings.

I can't necessarily give 100 percent credit to any weight loss or my lower intake of snacks this week because, minus a Buffalo Wild Wings trip on Friday, I actually made a fairly conscious effort to eat well and work out this week (thanks for giving me an extra five pounds, Spring Break). But I will say that drinking so much water did a lot to help curb cravings and make my salad and quinoa meals feel much more filling than they would feel if I weren't drinking so much water.

Also, the skin difference is starting to become more apparent. I naturally have extremely dry skin and while I can't just cease my use of moisturizers, I have noticed that my water intake is helping my skin feel softer throughout the day. Definitely a plus.

This week has definitely helped me see just how little water I drank before. While I'm not saying that everyone needs to chug a gallon of water every single day, I do recommend that everyone at least makes an effort to drink the minimum amount to keep your body hydrated. If you are wanting to try the water gallon challenge yourself, or even just need tips to help you up your intake, I would suggest keeping a water bottle with visual measurements with you all day and trying to space it out so you never feel super thirsty (my bottle has a dial at the top that keeps track of the bottles I've had each day and it helps so much).

If you're wanting less cravings and softer skin at the expense of more bathroom visits, the water gallon challenge may be for you. Keep in mind that the challenge itself lasts for a full month, and this experience only covers the first week. But for now, in the words of The Most Interesting Man in the World, "Stay thirsty, my friends."

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