There is a civil war brewing, every moment of every day. It's within yourself, and every other mom out there. And it HAS TO STOP.
If you are a young mom and you have a Facebook, you are most likely a part of some kind of "mom group." If you are not apart of one, and have never asked for advice, or vented even your nonrelated mom problems on their hats off to you! Because I am guilty of this.
There are local mom groups and universal ones. All can be unforgiving. I'm not stating that they are all bad. Mom groups and Facebook, in general, can be used for the power of great things. The power of support,and comfort and coming together as a team, and even making live long friends out of them. Unfortunately, that is not always the case
For example, you post a question such as "My son Michael has a cough. What is the best medicine to get him? He is 6 months old." You'd think such an innocent question wouldn't cause any concern or a term known as "bashing," but it can. You'll have some moms say take him into his pediatrician right away! Don't give him any kind of over the counter medicine, just let it run its course. Did you get him vaccinated??And then there will be shots fired causing a vaccination debate, from an innocent question about a cough.
There are so many types of us moms out there. There are "crunchy moms," which basically are the all natural, anti-vax, anti-circumcision, breastfeeding, gave natural birth type of moms.
There are "silky moms" Which is a modern mom, bottle fed, maybe part time breast fed, wanted the epidural at birth and gasp even had to have a c section, disposable diapers, pro-vax etc.
And there are "Scrunchy moms" Yes you read that right. Like a hair scrunchy. Basically, that means you are an in-between mom.
Personally, I say SCREW the categories and what people think it defines us! We may not all parent the same, we may not all agree. We might be anti-vaccinations but still feed our children McDonald's on those stressful moments. We all break down. We are all human.Yes, being a mother does not mean you are no longer human.
You might be married, and both be working and bring your child to daycare. You are doing what's best for your family.
You might be a single mom, working, and in college, and have family help with your child. You get it, you are doing what's best for your family!
You might be that stay at home mom, who has zero adult interaction until dad gets home. You get it, girl; you have one of the hardest jobs there is. Don't feel bad about wanting to cry into your wine glass at the end of the night. We all want to. We all deserve a bottle of wine and a bubble bath.
No one knows our stories, and how we became to be the mother we are today. Our children are loved. Our children are fed, clothed, taken care of and more.
That old lady is staring at you while you are out with your toddler alone at Target who is having a fit because you told them no about that Paw Patrol Toy because they already have more than can fit in their toy box? Bless her heart, and keep going.
That young waiter makes a rude comment about the mess your one-year-old is making, when you have picked up the straws, napkins, and forks off the floor already countless times....screw him. Yeah, that's right. Screw him. He's never been in your shoes, leave him what tip you think is necessary and wish him a nice day. Because at the end of the day You are super woman!
No matter what kind of moms we are, we are all Super Woman! Be that mom who warns everyone about car seat safety! Be that mom who rocks her messy bun and wears sweatpants while going to get the groceries. Be that mom that speaks out about pro-vaccination or anti-vaccination. We need to learn to live together. Be civil, and send each other supporting words.
Isn't that what mom groups are supposed to be for? Support? If we wanted to be questioned about our parenting, we'd probably ask advice from our own parents.
Remember that next time a mom had a different experience than yours. Send her love, not hate. And maybe even an anonymous bouquet of flowers.
Cause who doesn't love flowers?
More flowers, fewer Mom wars.
Now all you moms out there, Go be the best Super Mom you can be, but remember, you are still human at the end of the day, and that's okay.