I haven't written in a long while. Well, I guess that isn't true. I haven't written anything for anyone else in a long while, and at first, I didn't know why. Writer's block started as an hour-long trip to the grocery store, even after I was fully stocked up from my trip the previous night, and ended with my desire to talk to someone about their experiences abroad.
I know that may not make a lot of sense, but what I realized was I needed someone to relate to on a subject that I knew nothing about. I had reached out to many of my friends, and even random classmates for advice on how to get over writer's block, a subject I knew nothing about. Whenever I have written in the past it's always been at random, and I just kept writing until I had nothing left for my sheet of paper. Which made me realize that I write very similarly to how I like to travel. I've only been to a handful of states and Puerto Rico, but I've been itching to spread my wings and get lost in adventure. I keep asking myself what's stopping me, I keep wondering if my travel plans are having writer's block too...
All of these thoughts came back to me on a drive home from work. While I was thinking about what was stopping me from contributing to the Odyssey on a regular basis, I was being moved by the song "What They Want" by Russ. I was vibin' with the reggae style beats, and jokingly thought that I'd be SO OVER writer's block and lack of encouragement had I been in Jamaica. I'd have something to write about, I'd have interesting things for my followers to read about, and I would actually maybe get a few extra shares.
I started to feel bad. I didn't like thinking that I had to write for shares, follows or mentions. I started to feel like my heart needed to run away and experience a different part of the world even if it was only for a day. The song ended and I realized that I need to fall in love with writing again. I need to write so my heart can travel to new places and find my favorite qualities in the destination. My mind can wander to a different universe where nothing makes sense and it's perfectly okay. My soul is so full knowing that I don't have to live vicariously through other's stories and memories. Which brings me to my conclusion: an introduction. A new Odyssey if you will.
I was lucky enough to spend some time self reflecting, and learning about what makes me, all the way me. On top of my character traits, I was able to understand that I feel most full when I have happy, healthy relationships with people who have similar goals to mine. I love spending time with people and hearing their stories, going on their journeys with them. So now, I must introduce my new journey. Weekly, I will be reflecting on the high point of week in the style of chapters. My travel diary will be full of all the stops I make and the people I meet along the way. I'm excited to share this with everyone, and hope that stops I make, the memories I create can spark a fire in my followers' souls to write too. Or to wander and find their passion as well...Until next time, bon voyage!