When I woke up everything was pitch black. I was lying on a ridiculously freezing, hard surface. My body tried to move but I was stuck in an enclosed space. Shrieking and screaming didn’t work at all in this case. All I could remember was being fast asleep in my bed. Then I felt something sharp stab me, but I thought that it was just a bug, or a pin. I had no idea how I got here, it must be a dream there is no other explanation.
Punching and clawing the top of the enclosed box was hard at first but then it got more manageable to dig through. It seemed like I had to also burrow myself out of the ground as well. If this wasn’t a dream then I probably would have gone ballistic. When I got myself out of the hole I couldn’t think of anything. The fresh air showered over me. The outside was dark, but the moon shone off its brightness so it was easy enough to see.
I stumbled over a big rock, engraved in the rock was my name Courtney Mason born November 8th, 1893, Died October 5th, 1882. Well that was a weird, because about two days ago was October 5th. A tall dark looking man stood about nine yards away from me looking out into space as if he was ashamed of something. “How could I do this? How could I do something so terrible, so evil just for love?”
Although by that time I had fainted. I woke up in my room; it felt so amazing to be in my bed again. The plush mattress and the white sheets all made me feel so comfortable. My fiancé had walked in as soon as I woke up. He was perfect too perfect actually he always knew the right things to both say and do. “Good morning how did you sleep?”
I replied “good” there was a weird tone to his usually beautiful voice, but I couldn’t pick out what it was. But I didn’t care tomorrow I was going to be married it was going to be the happiest day of my life, nothing could go wrong. That night I had went to bed so overjoyed for tomorrow. I suddenly woke up, and it was the middle of the night. As soon as I got up I felt really strange and disoriented. My eyes were irritated, so was the rest of my body, everything ached all over. I touched my arm and almost jumped I was as freezing as an iceberg.
We both moved into the house where he had grown up. The house was kind of a depressing place during the day it was all dark, and when I would suggest opening any curtains he wouldn’t allow me. When I got out of the bed where my ideal future husband laid it struck me that I was overwhelmed with thirst. I had gone to the kitchen to get some water but that wouldn’t suffice.
It was probably the lack of fresh air that I needed from being in this stuffy home all day. When I had gotten outside my stomach started to feel queasy. “Maybe it’s just the nerves, yes, nerves about the wedding is all”. My old home wasn’t far from here, so I walked to my home thinking that my wonderful mother would have some advice for me. When I opened the door there my mother was so elegant, so beautiful, more than I would ever be. As soon as she looked in my direction she screamed.
“John, John, a monster, a devil has over taken our daughter”!
It wasn’t long after that I saw my father with a gun. But why would he kill me I was his pride and joy. As fast as I could I ran as far from the house as possible, with tears running down my face I went to my fiancé. I told him everything that had happened to me since I woke up, and then his face fell as if he had something to do with this. He mumbled something “how could I”?
I looked at him desperately to find out what he did. He started to tell me that something tragic had happened to me. The bright sun was coming up and I complained that me eyes were getting more and more irritated by the second, so he took me inside. After he was done explaining there was a blank look on my face, I was furious he had no right. But then I realized that he did it because he wanted to me with me forever, and he would of never did it if he wasn’t one hundred percent sure that I felt the same way.
Now at least I knew why both of my parents thought that I was a devil. In some ways I was though I never thought in a million years that I would become a vampire. He told me that I needed to kill people in order to stay this way. “Me kill people”, what a terrible thing to do how could I. But he told me that if I didn’t then I would perish, and that I couldn’t be with him for forever like he planned.
I didn’t want to but I had to do it, I had to kill, to drink in order to stay with my beloved. Yes, it was a dark twisted act, and I just might regret it later in my time, but he was worth it. I went back to my ill hearted family and killed then all and drank every ounce of then until they were dry. Whenever I grew stronger the erge to drink got stronger and my family wasn’t enough to suffice. I felt like I had so much power, I felt like I could do just about anything. Everyone in my little town was gone in less than a week.
Every night I would hunt, and during the day I stayed home with the one person who had loved me the most. I’m glad he changed me, I’m glad that we can spend the rest of eternity together. I couldn’t bear to be without him ever. He left for about a week saying that there was something that he just had to do. It was the longest week of my life so I went out to search for him. And to my surprise what did I find, him with another woman, how could he? I couldn’t take the pain so I stormed into their home, killed, and took the life right out of her. Then I turned to my husband and drove a steak right through his heart!
His last words were “how could I have created this”! I did it the one person that I would die for I had killed. So I took the steak that I used to kill my husband, and drove it through my own heart. Then I woke up I was in my bed next to my fiancé.
“It was just a dream”. But shortly after I said that my eyes started to get blurry, my body ached all over, and I was thirsty beyond belief.