Here is a special list of vines that are helping me get through these tough times of college final exams and my papers. May they always stay relevant and I hope you laugh as hard as I did.
1. “Doot with the Sickness” from YouTuber Nervous Handbob
I am literally featuring this because my close friend ADORES this vine trend. I don’t get it but watching her laugh every time gets me laughing really hard. *doot*… I will admit that this particular vine is catchy.
2. “This is Why Mom Doesn’t Love You” by Lance Kale Jackman
It is literally hilarious
3. "I Have the Power of God and Anime"
I just laugh every time because this one is just so ridiculous that you can’t help but smile at least.
4. “Merry Chrysler" by Christine Sydelko
This is literally such a popular vine that people say it in school. Especially since it is Christmas time, this iconic vine is a perfect thing to quote and re-watch.
5. “Freshavacado” by Vine user Gasoleen
This vine was the first vine I had ever watched that I laughed too hard at. This vine should go into a hall of fame, and just be watched in its glory.
Honorable Mention:
"My Name is trey and I have a Basketball Game Tomorrow"
This vine had me laughing hard, but I think it is very funny to say it aloud whenever I am stressed.
"X-Files Parachute Kid"
I was honestly shocked when I watched it for the first time, but every time I watch this, I fall over laughing.
There was just a few vines that I adore, and I hope you love them too. Good luck on finals everyone!!