Though we've poured one out for our friend Vine nearly a year ago, the threads, references and laughs live on. Whether you were a casual Vine user or a complete fanatic, speaking in Vine references is pretty much its own language these days. But can you pass the ultimate Vine references quiz to prove you're cultured in the best 6-second jokes on the Internet? Let's see.
1. This man was frightened and could have dropped something. What was it?
2. Somebody threw some paper. What does it mean for their mom if they were the one who threw it?
3. What TV show's emotional scene is being danced at in this Vine?
4. This guy is VERY impressed with what a woman at a party just did. What was she doing?
5. What restaurant is this guy welcoming you to?
6. Mother trucker! This dude needs to watch his "profamity." What does he claim the incident hurt like?
7. Jared has never learned how to read. How old is he?
8. This adult virgin thinks the feminists are taking over. Why?
9. What musical artist is not playing in the background of this Vine? (Hint: He loves her.)
10. What word is this child spelling?
11. This man slams his phone and breaks his skateboard. Why is this?
12. What mode is this dude on?
13. This speaker has one question ... What is it?
14. Because his sister is convinced he's smoking weed, she calls the cops. What appliance does she use to dial 911?
15. What is this bad Frisbee-thrower's name?
SEE ALSO: 100 Of The Best Vines Of All Time
16. On all levels except physical, what animal is this man?
17. What musical artist is this guy (and Jordan) going to see?
18. What dairy product does a woman claim this man needs?
19. Where has this dude never went?
20. This guy is definitely going to get in trouble ... What is his name?
21. Janet is having some sort of party that this guy is NOT going to. What kind of party is it?
22. This man wants a girl who looks and talks a certain way. What does he want her to look and talk like?
23. Actually, Megan, this girl can't sit anywhere. Why is that?
24. If he doesn't get his grades up, what is his mom not going to let him do?
25. This girl says you can be whatever you want to be. What example does she give?
26. What does this guy want to be, baby?
27. This man is yelling at someone ... What is that person's name?
28. This girl is talking about two people. What is the relationship between those people?
29. What is this really handsome kid's name?
30. Who did this guy's boyfriend hang out with last night?
1. Croissant, 2. She's a hoe, 3. American Horror Story, 4. Vaping, 5. Chilis, 6. A buttcheek on a stick, 7. 19, 8. 4 female ghostbusters, 9. Ke$ha, 10. Iridocyclitis, 11. No head, 12. X games mode, 13. Why, 14. Microwave, 15. Richard, 16. Wolf, 17. Uncle Kraker, 18. Milk, 19. Ovoo Javer, 20. Zack, 21. Baby shower, 22. Minion, 23. She has hemorrhoids, 24. His tetanus shot, 25. Dog, 26. Cowboy, 27. Kyle, 28. Roommates, 29. Junior 30. Beth