It's finals week folks. And with finals comes stress, mental breakdowns, emotional strife, etc. However, no matter how hard everything seems right now, I promise it gets better.
It's hard to see past the difficult parts of life when we are in the middle of things. It's hard to see the valley on the other side of the mountain, but we have to trust it's there. Things will be hard. There's no denying that. You will always have hard times in life. Whether it's finals week or potential layoffs at your job, there will always be mountains. But the good thing about mountains is that once you're at the top you get a really good view of things.
It's hard to see the point to everything when you're in the middle of climbing the mountain. However, once you get to the top you not only have a better view of where you've come from, but also where you're going. Things that are hard never seem worth it in the moment, but afterwards we get to reap the benefits of our perseverance.
So even though finals week may be causing you unimaginable stress, just remember that you only have a week before break. You're almost to the top of the mountain. Keep trekking forward, I guarantee it's worth the view.