Okay! Let’s talk about Pokémon Go! I have dream of something like this app before I knew it was possible to do something like this. I get to catch Pokémon! How cool is that! Now this app is not without faults
There are some features, that the app doesn’t explane. Like the rustling leaves, what are those for? I have found that they are not helpful what so ever! There are the feet next to the icon of the Pokémon. Also can we talk about how there is no totally what so ever! I understand some things are easy to understand, but when capturing Pokémon what does the green and white ring mean, I just don’t understand your worth. I think that the Gps tracking of Pokémon could be better than it is. I think that if they were to keep the feet, then we should know how much distance each foot symbol equates to. I wish that they had put street names on the app, so that if you are someone who get lost easy you could find out where you are! I don’t think anyone should ever go Pokémon hunting alone. I would just be great to have street names! lastly, its sad that you have to pay for things like coins if you want a large amont, but at the same time there are ways that you can earn coin, slowly.
I had to go online to find any information about these things, it sucks, because it would be nice to have all of this information on the app itself.
Now that I have bashed on the app let’s say some nice things about it. I truly enjoy this app. It has gotten a lot of people who would not have normally go outside, to go outside and walk. I also like that when you are trying to hatch an egg you can’t cheat by driving, you have to walk, or bike, or run, It makes you move. I enjoy that you can’t stay home and play this game you have to leave and do things, it is bringing out the kid in everyone. It’s bringing out the kid in me who loved to play in the dirt and collet bugs. I get to do that now, but a much cleaning version! I also enjoy the component of competition the creaters have brought in to the game with battling at gyms and defending them for your chosen team. I have not been able to do any of that yet! But I will. I have sat and watch the gym right behind my house change color three times in under 30 minutes I think this app is breaking wall for the casual gamer industry. With this game you don’t have the barrier of who is a “casual” gamer and who is a “serious” gamer, because we all just want to catch them all and be the very best. It’s also a really good game to introduce to younger kids, you could take them walking and let them try and catch the Pokémon.
I really do love this app and I hope that the hype that is going with it doesn’t fade, and that they continue building on a great thing they have here! It will be a sad day if people stop playing this game!