An unspoken topic: sexual assault.
The problem is so much more than sexual assault.
Sexual assault is something we can all work towards ending.
The problem isn't just the initial act, it’s the lack of education about what consent is. Crop tops and miniskirts are not consent; a few drinks at a party are not consent. Silence is not consent and the word no is certainly not consent. Unconsciousness is not consent. I’ve heard people say that there is a fine line between consent and being drunk and making a mistake. That is not the case. A sensitive subject that no one wants to talk about but the fact is, talking about it is the only way to make a change. It’s really quite simple: if there is no conversation about whether or not is okay, it is not okay.
Just because a male or female is wearing revealing clothing does not mean it is okay or that they were “asking for it." Just because that person has had a little too much to drink does not mean that it was their fault for putting themselves in that situation.
The problem is victim blaming. Do you believe that when someone is sexually assaulted that it is their fault? That they deserved it? Well, you are wrong. Being sexually assaulted is never your fault in any circumstance. Don’t let anyone talk you into thinking that sexual assault is okay. It is ruining someone's life. It comes with humiliation, heartbreak, PTSD, depression, anxiety, and loss of confidence. It can ruin someone completely -- but it is okay because they should've known better or they shouldn't have been drinking and put themselves in that situation, right?
The problem is silence. Many people think it is okay to hear something about sexual assault and keep quiet because it wasn't their problem to tell. It is not okay. If you see signs, hear talk about sexual assault, or see someone too drunk to be going home with someone, tell someone, do something. This is on all of us.
The problem is not only on the victims it is on everyone. The change will not happen until we are educated about what is going on. If you see or hear someone making rude comments about sexual assault, it is up to you to shut that down. It is the men and women that have to step forward and pledge to ask for consent no matter what situation. It is not enough to not do it yourself. It means talking about it, stopping it, becoming educated on this topic.
Share your story, you might help someone come forward about their experiences and that is one less unheard justice for survivors. Let them know that they aren't alone and that they will get through it. Too many are left unheard because of victim blaming and fear of judgment. It is not your fault and never will be.
Together we can make the change, there is so much we all can do to help stop this from happening. Utilize campus resources, tell someone, stick up for yourself and everyone around you. This problem is not unsolvable it just takes speaking about it to make a change.
Please do your part and help in any way you can.