The 2016 Presidential Election is heading into the homestretch. At this point, people are either sick of hearing about it, or spewing words all over comment sections on social media with reasons to vote for the candidate they support with facts or, many times, half-truths. Okay, fine. There are a lot of baseless claims against each candidate that people are sprinkling around. Through all of the negativity towards the two major candidates, I have written a few articles about third party candidates. My goal has been not to shove them down society’s throat, but to help people think outside of the box. I am definitely an advocate for third parties. I love hearing a different stance than the two major parties. I also am disappointed with the candidates our two major parties have rolled out. I know what you are thinking. “Come on, Jackson. We have heard enough about how bad Trump and Clinton are. Give it a rest.” While I have many choice words for both candidates, I am not here to talk bad about them. At this point many of us have decided if we are going to go down the two party path, or take a different route and vote for a third party candidate.
I know I have written about Libertarian Gary Johnson and Green Party Candidate Jill Stein multiple times. I have even talked a little about Constitution Party candidate Darrell Castle a bit. If you know them, you may have already made your decision about them. If not, check them out. Many people who know these candidates may not think they have a chance at winning the presidency (which is valid, as the two party system has failed to carry a state since 1968). If they do think one has a chance, they may think it is either Johnson (on the ballot in all 50 states) or Stein (on the ballot in enough states to get a majority of electoral votes). I, personally, have not given up on the idea a third party can win the election. I may sound crazy, but I’m looking on the bright side. With that being said, I am not alone in thinking a third party candidate has a chance. Also, that candidate may not be the person we originally thought. Heck, I didn’t even think he had a chance.
That person may be Independent candidate Evan McMullin. McMullin, a former CIA operations manager and current Utah resident, is currently surging in the state polls in Utah. A new Emerson College poll released this past week shows him in the lead with 31%, compared to Trump (27%) and Clinton (24%). While you may look at this and roll your eyes, there is a possibility that McMullin stepped in at the right time. McMullin didn’t announce his candidacy until August 8, just about two and half months ago. Because of his tardiness, he is only on the ballot in 11 states (which doesn’t include South Dakota, so just sit back and watch friends). That may be no problem for McMullin in his current situation. Being from Utah and being Mormon helps him in his home state, which is incredibly conservative and where the Mormon faith has a lot of influence, immensely. It helps him even more now that Trump has come under fire over his unflattering remarks about how he treats women and that hasn’t set well with the people of Utah. Utah has not voted against the Republican ticket since 1964, but keep in mind that McMullin is a conservative so he has quite a bit of appeal in the state. He is campaigning hard in Utah and could very well get the six electoral votes from the state. If that is the case, he could still win. It is a long shot, but it is a possibility nonetheless.
If he gets the votes from Utah, he would need Trump to win every key battleground state (Florida, Ohio, North Carolina, Arizona and Virginia). Trump has campaigned heavily in all of those states, but only leads in Ohio according to polls. If this happens, neither Trump not Clinton could get all 270 electoral votes needed (as the states poll at now) to win which would mean the presidential decision lies with the House of Representatives. The House may find a way to compromise and vote for a candidate that is not Trump or Clinton, especially Republicans who may look to McMullin as the conservative they are looking for.
While I know this is a long shot, it is worth mentioning as a possibility to the people who don’t think a third party candidate could have a chance. It could happen. The circumstances are very crazy, but it could happen. With this election, anything could happen. Don’t overlook Evan McMullin and his surge in Utah. It could be the unlikely domino that falls in the direction of change.
Dear Black People, Stop Saying The N-Word Or Stop Getting Upset When Other People Use It