We all have our bad days. Those moments we feel we've reached our point of no return, the times we turn to the higher power above and ask, "Why Me?" A favorite quote of mine, one of which I can't find a source to give well-deserved credit to, goes something like, "Whether you break your foot or stub your toe, you still have the right to say ouch." We're allowed to feel sad during those times, after all, we are only human. But instead of sitting around feeling sorry for ourselves we must take control of our feelings and choose to be happy.
Life throws curveballs at us when we seem to be at our most vulnerable. Is that because the universe is against us? No. We must choose to start asking ourselves why as opposed to why me. We've all heard the saying "everything happens for a reason," and maybe we often try to reassure ourselves by keeping that saying in mind, but instead of taking a bad situation and asking why it's happening specifically to YOU, we must stop and ask ourselves what life is trying to teach us.
In such situations, it's most crucial to practice mindfulness. My favorite tools to incorporate? Letting go of expectations, reflecting before responding and practicing gratitude. So what if the situation sucks? We choose the things we let control our mind. Instead of questioning all things leading up to this breaking point and getting our heart rates up over what's to come of the situation, simply let go. Unfortunately, we don't have control over everything. If we did, life would be perfect. We can not control the feelings and reactions of others. Sometimes we can't even control our own feelings. But what we can control is how we respond. It's time to breathe deeply and let go of all the negative thoughts consuming our brains. Rid yourself of sweaty palms and restless legs and surrender your worry to a higher power.
Chances are we've been in a similar place before, and like this situation, we got past it. Don't let the endless ideas of what COULD happen to eat away at you. Gather your feelings, take some deep breaths, and tell yourself you aren't in control of anything besides how you choose to respond to this and then choose to be optimistic and aware that things will fall into place, whether you worry or not!
Sometimes, in the heat of the moment, we let our feelings take control of our words and actions. Take time to reflect on how you feel before you respond to the negative. Healing takes time. You aren't on the clock! It's crucial to allow yourself to feel and have an internal observation of yourself before your emotions take over. Does someone send you an angry text? Don't jump to conclusions and text back right away. Take a moment to reflect on what has been said and what happened leading up to this. Give yourself some time to sort out your thoughts and emotions before you respond to negative situations. I feel my ideas and thoughts shifting over time as I let myself sit and evaluate for a while, and man am I always thankful I took some time before responding when the whole thing blows over.
Last, but most certainly not least, it is most important to practice gratitude. In our times of vulnerability, it's easier for us to recognize the bad than to step back and search for the good. Aren't things going the way you planned? Shocker. The universe hardly ever works itself out to be what we want, BUT that doesn't mean it's not working in our favor. It's time to train our minds to look for the positive, even in our darkest of hours, and be grateful! So what if things aren't going how we wanted? We can't change that! Make the most out of your life. Whether it's a lesson or a blessing in disguise, believe in the universe because it's working for YOU! We have a beautiful power within us to bounce back from any situation. Don't let yourself get too caught up in recognizing negativity around you. For everything is working in your favor, no matter how tough it may feel. Practice gratitude for all aspects of your life.